45 ACP Ballistics Tables From Every Major Ammunition Manufacturer
Congrats! You’ve discovered our in-depth look at 45 ACP ballistics from all the popular 45 Auto ammo manufacturers.
Save time by clicking the links below to skip to your preferred ammo maker and find the 45 Auto ballistics data you need for your favorite factory ammo.
45 ACP Ballistics Charts
Jump to an ammo company: Barnes | Black Hills | Blazer | Browning | Federal | Fiocchi | Hornady | Magtech | PMC | Prvi Partizan (PPU) | Remington | Sellier & Bellot | Sierra | SIG | Speer | Streak | Underwood | Winchester
Barnes Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Barnes 45 ACP 185 grain TAC-XPD Defense | Barnes 45 ACP 185 grain VOR-TX
Barnes 45 ACP 185 grain TAC-XPD Defense Ballistics Chart

Barnes 45 ACP 185 grain VOR-TX Ballistics Chart

Black Hills Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Black Hills Ammunition 45 ACP 185 grain Barnes TAC-XP +P | Black Hills Ammunition 45 ACP 185 grain JHP | Black Hills Ammunition 45 ACP 200 grain Match Semi-Wadcutter | Black Hills Ammunition 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ | Black Hills Ammunition 45 ACP 230 grain JHP | Black Hills Ammunition 45 ACP 230 grain JHP +P
Black Hills Ammunition 45 ACP 185 grain Barnes TAC-XP +P Ballistics Chart

Black Hills Ammunition 45 ACP 185 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Black Hills Ammunition 45 ACP 200 grain Match Semi-Wadcutter Ballistics Chart

Black Hills Ammunition 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Black Hills Ammunition 45 ACP 230 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Black Hills Ammunition 45 ACP 230 grain JHP +P Ballistics Chart

Blazer Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Blazer Aluminum 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ | Blazer Brass 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ | Blazer Clean-Fire 45 ACP 230 grain TMJ
Blazer Aluminum 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Blazer Brass 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Blazer Clean-Fire 45 ACP 230 grain TMJ Ballistics Chart

Browning Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Browning 45 ACP 230 grain BPT FMJ | Browning 45 ACP 230 grain X-Point Defense
Browning 45 ACP 230 grain BPT FMJ Ballistics Chart

Browning 45 ACP 230 grain X-Point Defense Ballistics Chart

Federal Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Federal 45 ACP 205 grain Syntech Defense Segmented HP | Federal 45 ACP 220 grain Syntech Action Pistol | Federal American Eagle 45 ACP 137 grain Indoor Range Training Lead-Free | Federal American Eagle 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ | Federal Gold Medal 45 ACP 185 grain FMJ Semi-Wadcutter | Federal Premium 45 ACP 210 grain Personal Defense Hydra-Shok Deep JHP
Federal 45 ACP 205 grain Syntech Defense Segmented HP Ballistics Chart

Federal 45 ACP 220 grain Syntech Action Pistol Ballistics Chart

Federal American Eagle 45 ACP 137 grain Indoor Range Training Lead-Free Ballistics Chart

Federal American Eagle 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Federal Gold Medal 45 ACP 185 grain FMJ Semi-Wadcutter Ballistics Chart

Federal Premium 45 ACP 210 grain Personal Defense Hydra-Shok Deep JHP Ballistics Chart

Fiocchi Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Fiocchi Defense Dynamics 45 ACP 200 grain JHP | Fiocchi Defense Dynamics 45 ACP 230 grain JHP | Fiocchi Hyperformance Defense 45 ACP 200 grain XTPHP | Fiocchi Hyperformance Defense 45 ACP 230 grain XTPHP | Fiocchi Range Dynamics 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ
Fiocchi Defense Dynamics 45 ACP 200 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Fiocchi Defense Dynamics 45 ACP 230 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Fiocchi Hyperformance Defense 45 ACP 200 grain XTPHP Ballistics Chart

Fiocchi Hyperformance Defense 45 ACP 230 grain XTPHP Ballistics Chart

Fiocchi Range Dynamics 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Hornady Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Hornady American Gunner 45 ACP 185 grain XTP | Hornady Black 45 ACP 185 grain XTP | Hornady Critical Defense 45 ACP 185 grain FTX | Hornady Critical Duty 45 ACP 220 grain FlexLock +P | Hornady Custom 45 ACP 200 grain XTP | Hornady Custom 45 ACP 230 grain XTP +P | Hornady Subsonic 45 ACP 230 grain XTP
Hornady American Gunner 45 ACP 185 grain XTP Ballistics Chart

Hornady Black 45 ACP 185 grain XTP Ballistics Chart

Hornady Critical Defense 45 ACP 185 grain FTX Ballistics Chart

Hornady Critical Duty 45 ACP 220 grain FlexLock +P Ballistics Chart

Hornady Custom 45 ACP 200 grain XTP Ballistics Chart

Hornady Custom 45 ACP 230 grain XTP +P Ballistics Chart

Hornady Subsonic 45 ACP 230 grain XTP Ballistics Chart

Magtech Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Magtech 45 ACP 230 grain FEB | Magtech 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ | Magtech 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ-SWC (Jacketed Semi-Wadcutter) | Magtech Guardian Gold 45 ACP 230 grain JHP +P
Magtech 45 ACP 230 grain FEB Ballistics Chart

Magtech 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Magtech 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ-SWC (Jacketed Semi-Wadcutter) Ballistics Chart

Magtech Guardian Gold 45 ACP 230 grain JHP +P Ballistics Chart

PMC Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: PMC Bronze 45 ACP 185 grain JHP | PMC Bronze 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ | PMC eRange 45 ACP 230 grain EMJ-NT
PMC Bronze 45 ACP 185 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

PMC Bronze 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

PMC eRange 45 ACP 230 grain EMJ-NT Ballistics Chart

Prvi Partizan (PPU) Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Prvi Partizan 45 ACP 185 grain SJHP | Prvi Partizan 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ | Prvi Partizan Defense 45 ACP 185 grain
Prvi Partizan 45 ACP 185 grain SJHP Ballistics Chart

Prvi Partizan 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Prvi Partizan Defense 45 ACP 185 grain Ballistics Chart

Remington Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Remington Golden Saber Bonded 45 ACP 185 grain JHP | Remington Golden Saber Bonded 45 ACP 230 grain JHP | Remington Golden Saber Defense 45 ACP 185 grain JHP | Remington Golden Saber Defense 45 ACP 230 grain JHP | Remington Golden Saber Defense Compact 45 ACP 230 grain JHP | Remington High Terminal Performance 45 ACP 185 grain JHP | Remington High Terminal Performance 45 ACP 230 grain JHP | Remington Range Clean 45 ACP 230 grain FNEB | Remington Subsonic Handgun 45 ACP 230 grain FNEB | Remington UMC 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ | Remington UMC 45 ACP 230 grain JHP | Remington UMC Handgun 45 ACP 185 grain FMJ
Remington Golden Saber Bonded 45 ACP 185 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Remington Golden Saber Bonded 45 ACP 230 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Remington Golden Saber Defense 45 ACP 185 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Remington Golden Saber Defense 45 ACP 230 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Remington Golden Saber Defense Compact 45 ACP 230 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Remington High Terminal Performance 45 ACP 185 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Remington High Terminal Performance 45 ACP 230 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Remington Range Clean 45 ACP 230 grain FNEB Ballistics Chart

Remington Subsonic Handgun 45 ACP 230 grain FNEB Ballistics Chart

Remington UMC 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Remington UMC 45 ACP 230 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Remington UMC Handgun 45 ACP 185 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Sellier & Bellot Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Sellier & Bellot 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ | Sellier & Bellot 45 ACP 230 grain JHP | Sellier & Bellot NonTox 45 ACP 230 grain TFMJ | Sellier & Bellot XRG Defense 45 ACP 165 grain XRG-D
Sellier & Bellot 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Sellier & Bellot 45 ACP 230 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Sellier & Bellot NonTox 45 ACP 230 grain TFMJ Ballistics Chart

Sellier & Bellot XRG Defense 45 ACP 165 grain XRG-D Ballistics Chart

Sierra Ammunition Ballistics Chart - 45 ACP
Sierra Outdoor Master 45 ACP 185 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

SIG Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Sig Sauer Elite Ball 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ | Sig Sauer Elite Performance V-Crown 45 ACP 185 grain JHP | Sig Sauer Elite Performance V-Crown 45 ACP 200 grain JHP | Sig Sauer Elite Performance V-Crown 45 ACP 230 grain JHP | Sig Sauer Legion 45 ACP 185 grain JHP +P
Sig Sauer Elite Ball 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Sig Sauer Elite Performance V-Crown 45 ACP 185 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Sig Sauer Elite Performance V-Crown 45 ACP 200 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Sig Sauer Elite Performance V-Crown 45 ACP 230 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Sig Sauer Legion 45 ACP 185 grain JHP +P Ballistics Chart

Speer Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Speer Gold Dot Handgun Personal Protection 45 ACP 185 grain GDHP | Speer Gold Dot Handgun Personal Protection 45 ACP 230 grain GDHP | Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel Personal Protection 45 ACP 230 grain GDHP | Speer Lawman Handgun Clean-Fire Training 45 ACP 230 grain TMJ | Speer Lawman Handgun Training 45 ACP 230 grain TMJ
Speer Gold Dot Handgun Personal Protection 45 ACP 185 grain GDHP Ballistics Chart

Speer Gold Dot Handgun Personal Protection 45 ACP 230 grain GDHP Ballistics Chart

Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel Personal Protection 45 ACP 230 grain GDHP Ballistics Chart

Speer Lawman Handgun Clean-Fire Training 45 ACP 230 grain TMJ Ballistics Chart

Speer Lawman Handgun Training 45 ACP 230 grain TMJ Ballistics Chart

Streak Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Ammo Inc. Streak 45 ACP 230 grain JHP | Ammo Inc. Streak 45 ACP 230 grain TMC
Ammo Inc. Streak 45 ACP 230 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Ammo Inc. Streak 45 ACP 230 grain TMC Ballistics Chart

Underwood Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Underwood Range Supply 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ | Underwood Sporting 45 ACP 230 grain JHP
Underwood Range Supply 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Underwood Sporting 45 ACP 230 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Winchester Ammunition Ballistics Charts - 45 ACP
Jump to a ballistics chart: Winchester 45 ACP 185 grain FMJ | Winchester Defender 45 ACP 230 grain Bonded JHP | Winchester Personal Protection 45 ACP 230 grain JHP | Winchester SilverTip 45 ACP 185 grain JHP | Winchester Super Clean 45 ACP 160 grain Zinc Core FMJ Lead-Free | Winchester Super Suppressed 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Encapsulated | Winchester Super-X WinClean 45 ACP 185 grain Brass Enclosed Base | Winchester Target & Practice 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ | Winchester USA Ready 45 ACP 230 grain FNFMJ | Winchester USA Ready Defense 45 ACP 200 grain Hex-Vent | Winchester WinClean 45 ACP 230 grain Brass Enclosed Base
Winchester 45 ACP 185 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Winchester Defender 45 ACP 230 grain Bonded JHP Ballistics Chart

Winchester Personal Protection 45 ACP 230 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Winchester SilverTip 45 ACP 185 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Winchester Super Clean 45 ACP 160 grain Zinc Core FMJ Lead-Free Ballistics Chart

Winchester Super Suppressed 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Encapsulated Ballistics Chart

Winchester Super-X WinClean 45 ACP 185 grain Brass Enclosed Base Ballistics Chart

Winchester Target & Practice 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Winchester USA Ready 45 ACP 230 grain FNFMJ Ballistics Chart

Winchester USA Ready Defense 45 ACP 200 grain Hex-Vent Ballistics Chart

Winchester WinClean 45 ACP 230 grain Brass Enclosed Base Ballistics Chart

Administrative Note: The information above comes from the manufacturer and is only informational. The actual ballistics obtained with your gun can vary considerably from the advertised ballistics. Also, ballistics data can vary from lot to lot with the same brand and type load. When manufacturer ballistic data was unavailable, ballistics were calculated using a ballistics calculator.
45 ACP Ballistics Trajectory Chart
A bullet’s flight path is often called its trajectory. We measure the trajectory in inches of bullet drop, though it can also be measured in minutes of angle (MOA).
A flat trajectory is preferred because the shooter has less bullet drop to compensate for while aiming.
Most handgun cartridges have terrible trajectories compared to those of rifle rounds. That isn’t really to their detriment, however, as handguns (and pistol caliber carbines) are intended for firing on relatively close-range targets.
Below is a sample 45 ACP bullet drop chart that gives you a general idea of the trajectory.
Note: The chart above is an example of one 45 ACP load, and actual ballistic performance may vary depending on bullet weight, lot, barrel length, and environmental conditions while shooting.
45 ACP Velocity
A bullet’s velocity is measured in feet per second (fps). The muzzle velocity is the rate at which the bullet exits the barrel. Generally, a longer barrel produces a higher muzzle velocity, as it gives propellant gasses more time to exert energy against the bullet.
You will get a higher velocity when firing a 45 ACP semi-auto carbine, such as the Ruger LC Carbine (16.25” barrel), than when firing the same ammo in a full-size semi-automatic pistol like the Glock 21 (4.61” barrel).
Bullet weight and design also factor into a bullet's velocity. Heavier bullets (230 grain bullets) tend to have lower velocities than lighter bullets (185 grain bullets). Projectiles with more streamlined profiles also tend to conserve more velocity downrange.
Most factory-loaded 45 Automatic Colt Pistol ammo has a muzzle velocity between 800 and 1,200 fps. You can reach higher velocities by handloading, although we strictly recommend following the directions in your reloading manual when handloading ammo.
45 ACP Energy
A bullet’s kinetic energy is measured in foot-pounds (ft-lbs). Muzzle energy reflects the amount of force with which the bullet exits the gun barrel. Striking energy is the amount of energy the projectile possesses when it collides with its target during ballistic tests. Only two variables determine a bullet’s energy: weight, and velocity.
Legendary gunsmith John Moses Browning designed the 45 Automatic Colt Pistol cartridge for the M1911, which was intended to replace the revolvers carried as sidearms by the U.S. Armed Forces. The M1911 remained the standard issue sidearm until it was replaced by the 9mm Beretta M9 in 1985.
The 45 ACP typically achieves a muzzle energy of 250 ft-lbs to 675 ft-lbs (depending on the load fired). Although other pistol cartridges can exceed its muzzle energy, the 45 ACP is still carried by law enforcement agencies like the FBI and regular citizens across the United States. In addition to its sufficient energy for self-defense, the 45 ACP’s .45 caliber bullet inflicts a relatively wide wound channel – a welcome advantage to have during a dangerous physical altercation.
How Do 45 ACP Ballistics Compare to Other Handgun Cartridges?
Just like anything else in life, you’ll find people who swear by the 45 ACP, buying 45 ACP in bulk every chance they get, and those who hate it for various reasons. Instead of trying to convince you one way or the other, I’ll let you see how it compares ballistically against other common self- and home-defense cartridges like the 9mm Luger, 10mm Auto, and 357 Mag.
45 ACP vs. 10mm Ballistics
45 ACP vs. 9mm Ballistics
45 ACP vs. 45 Gap Ballistics
45 ACP vs. 357 Magnum Ballistics
45 ACP vs. 45 Long Colt Ballistics
Need ballistic specs for the 45 Long Colt? Check this article!
Frequently Asked Questions
The team at Ammo.com has gathered and answered some of the most commonly asked questions regarding 45 ACP ballistics. Check them out below!
What is the effective range of a 45 ACP?
In the hands of the average marksman, the 45 ACP’s effective range is 50 yards.
Is 45 ACP stopping power better than 9mm?
Yes, the 45 ACP’s stopping power is better than that of the 9mm. 45 ACP ammo is more expensive, however, and most 45 ACP pistols hold fewer rounds than 9mm alternatives. As always, both cartridges have relative benefits and drawbacks.
Is 45 or 10mm more powerful?
The 10mm is significantly more powerful than the 45 ACP.
What is the difference between 45 Auto and 45 ACP?
There is no difference between the 45 Auto and 45 ACP; these are two different names for the same exact cartridge.
What are the typical muzzle velocity and energy for a 45 ACP cartridge?
The typical muzzle velocity is about 850 fps, and the muzzle energy is about 350 ft-lbs for a 45 ACP cartridge.
Ballistic Charts
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- 45 ACP Ballistics Charts
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