38 Special Ammo For Sale
History of 38 Special Ammo
The .38 Special cartridge has been a significant part of the world of firearms for over 100 years after being introduced in 1902. A rimmed, centerfire round, the .38 Special is most often chambered in revolvers. But other firearms, including carbines and semi-automatic pistols, have been chambered for this caliber.
It's been known by many names, including the .38 Smith & Wesson Special, the .38 Colt Special, 9x29.5mmR, or 9.1x29mmR. In its standard round, the .38 Special weighs 158 grain (gr), features a total cartridge length of 1.455 inches, and travels at 755 feet per second (fps).
What are the most popular .38 Special brands you sell?
- Federal 38 Special Ammo
- Fiocchi 38 Special Ammo
- PMC 38 Special Ammo
- Remington 38 Special Ammo
- Winchester 38 Special Ammo
Best .38 Special Ammo for Specific Use Cases
Use Case | Details |
Best 38 Special for Self-Defense |
Best Overall: Hornady Critical Defense 38 Special +P 110gr JHP Runner-Up: Speer 38 Special +P 125gr JHP |
Best 38 Special for Snubbies |
Best Overall: Hornady Critical Defense 38 Special +P 110gr JHP Runner-Up: Blazer 38 Special 125 Grain FMJ |
Best 38 Special for Target Practice |
Best Overall: Ammo Inc 125gr TMJ Runner-Up: Fiocchi .38 Special 130gr FMJ |
Customer Reviews
Gary said:
All I have to say is the ammo is crap. It does not eject from the gun, and they swell up and jam the gun. It cost $75 to unjam the gun.
BIS said:
I had a 3% dud rate. Recoil for a .38 special is very heavy. Many times i had to use a tool to knock the used rounds out of the cylinder. I used this ammo at my outdoor range since the indoor range would not let me use steel case ammo. I dont know why. I am a loyal ammo.com customer and this was the first time i had any issues. All other purchases have been of excellent quality
Josh said:
I went to the range and used this first thing with a cleaned Ruger sp101. Shot one chamber of 5 and all of the rounds where stuck and I had to smack the ejector rod just to get them a little bit up. It took a bit of effort getting them out and one I wasn't sure was going to come out. I then shot 100 rounds of various brands in both .38 and .357 mag with no problems. I have shot hundreds of rounds through this gun ( multiple brands ) and never have had a problem . They had all been brass cased but I thought I would try these for the price. Not worth it if I have to pry them out.
Festus said:
No problems at all.
Gene said:
They come in a convenient bag. They all fire when the trigger is pull. I see no variation in the ballistics,
td said:
good for the price
Bill said:
Purchased rounds for girlfriend, though she hasnt fired any yet they seem like quality target rounds. And all ''100'' where accounted for.
rothbaby said:
I plink'd about 100 rds so far and I am very pleased. This stuff shoots great.
Tim said:
This is my first online ammo purchase. The service was great, and I think it is a good value. My revolver is a little fussy with dirty ammo and this is my only complaint. It shoots fine, and for the price, I'll get over it.
Dan said:
I have fired 175 rounds and I have had 3 misloads due to cracks in the bullet case. On one round I had to disassemble the lever gun to dislodge the bullet. I will be looking very closely at the remaining rounds and not buying from your group in the futu
pissed off ohio said:
this ammo sucked and i bout 500 rnds.
Reid said:
Shot 50 rounds of the 1000 I purchased. Weapon was a new Ruger ACR. Every spent round was difficult to remove from the cylinder; I had to remove one spent casing with a screwdriver. I put an an equal number of brass ammo through the gun with no problem expelling the ammo.
BOBBER said:
Bernice said:
Ditto above review. I will order again when more is needed. Thanks
Farmer said:
I have been shooting this in my air weight Smith and Wesson. Very accurate. Good quality. I will buy more.
james said:
theyre good brand
Farmer said:
This ammo shoots very well also. Really good accuracy.
Rick said:
Large quantity arrived intact, price allows more frequent practice, thus maintaining proficiency. First box had one F to F. Second primer strike solved that. 25 rounds remain in first box for 4% error rate to date.
titanium194333 said:
Will make further purchases --soon ---need 12 ga. ammo
Spudman said:
Great Service and Quick Shipping No Better Way to Buy
X4charger7 said:
Always fast getting to you. Get great groups with a good firearm.
Mike said:
If you will look at your discription,you left out the fact that this ammo is +P, I have a 38 special that can't use this ammo, but I have another that can. Mike L
sailormanNH said:
I've shot approx 2,000 rounds no failures. Good cheap rang ammo a little dirty not excessive.
M.J. said:
Great ammunition
Eli said:
This was my first purchase from Ammo.com, but it will not be my last.
Chicago John 27 said:
Just needed small amount to test fire a gun. Worked out very well.
Mike493 said:
Looked at several sites before finding the ammo purchased
Gene said:
They all went "bang!"
Chuck said:
I will definitely buy this again...................
Frank said:
Worked like it should it went in the gun. it came out of the gun . so it worked just fine.
shorty said:
I find this to be a quality practice ammo at a good price. Your service was prompt and will probably use ammo.com again for some 9mm ammo.
Deead Eye Duff said:
You need to check out, Ammo.com. You will not find a better price on hi quality ammo, anywhere. My friends and I in Texas, all stock up, with Ammo com. Keep 'em all in the 10 range. I even bought my wife .357 Ammo there!
Ann said:
Wpould buy again
cooky said:
we received the ammo in a timely manner. the ammo was all we expected it to be. we will shop again.
Dusterdave said:
needed some lite loads for wife to practice with--these fit the bill perfectly--good price excellent quality--ordered and rec'd the very next day--that was a stunner ammo was clean--went bank exactly what you it was supposed to be--magtech is fine by me