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450 Bushmaster Ballistics For Leading Ammunition Manufacturers

Congrats! You found our in-depth look at 450 Bushmaster ballistics from the leading ammo manufacturers.

Save time by clicking the links below to jump to your preferred ammo company and find the ballistics specs you need for your favorite 450 Bushmaster factory load.

45 Bushmaster Ballistics Charts

Jump to an ammo company: Barnes | Federal | Hornady | HSM | Remington | Underwood | Winchester

Barnes Ammunition Ballistics - 450 Bushmaster

Barnes VOR-TX Rifle 450 Bushmaster 250 grain TSX FB Ballistics Chart

Barnes VOR-TX Rifle 450 Bushmaster 250 grain TSX FB Ballistics table

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Federal Ammunition Ballistics - 450 Bushmaster

Jump to a ballistics chart: Federal Fusion Rifle 450 Bushmaster 260 grain SP | Federal Non-Typical 450 Bushmaster 300 grain JHP | Federal Power-Shok 450 Bushmaster 300 grain SP

Federal Fusion Rifle 450 Bushmaster 260 grain SP Ballistics Chart

Federal Fusion Rifle 450 Bushmaster 260 grain SP Ballistics table

Federal Non-Typical 450 Bushmaster 300 grain JHP Ballistics Chart

Federal Non-Typical 450 Bushmaster 300 grain JHP Ballistics table

Federal Power-Shok 450 Bushmaster 300 grain SP Ballistics Chart

Federal Power-Shok 450 Bushmaster 300 grain SP Ballistics table

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Hornady Ammunition Ballistics - 450 Bushmaster

Jump to a ballistics chart: Hornady American Whitetail 450 Bushmaster 245 grain InterLock | Hornady Black 450 Bushmaster 250 grain FTX | Hornady Custom 450 Bushmaster 250 grain FTX | Hornady Subsonic 450 Bushmaster 395 grain Sub-X

Hornady American Whitetail 450 Bushmaster 245 grain InterLock Ballistics Chart

Hornady American Whitetail 450 Bushmaster 245 grain InterLock Ballistics table

Hornady Black 450 Bushmaster 250 grain FTX Ballistics Chart

Hornady Black 450 Bushmaster 250 grain FTX Ballistics table

Hornady Custom 450 Bushmaster 250 grain FTX Ballistics Chart

Hornady Custom 450 Bushmaster 250 grain FTX Ballistics table

Hornady Subsonic 450 Bushmaster 395 grain Sub-X Ballistics Chart

Hornady Subsonic 450 Bushmaster 395 grain Sub-X Ballistics table

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HSM Ammunition Ballistics - 450 Bushmaster

HSM Bear Load 450 Bushmaster 300 grain JSP Ballistics Chart

HSM Bear Load 450 Bushmaster 300 grain JSP Ballistics table

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Remington Ammunition Ballistics - 450 Bushmaster

Jump to a ballistics chart: Remington Core-Lokt 450 Bushmaster 260 grain PSP | Remington Premier AccuTip 450 Bushmaster 260 grain | Remington UMC 450 Bushmaster 260 grain FMJ

Remington Core-Lokt 450 Bushmaster 260 grain PSP Ballistics Chart

Remington Core-Lokt 450 Bushmaster 260 grain PSP Ballistics table

Remington Premier AccuTip 450 Bushmaster 260 grain Ballistics Chart

Remington Premier AccuTip 450 Bushmaster 260 grain Ballistics table

Remington UMC 450 Bushmaster 260 grain FMJ Ballistics Chart

Remington UMC 450 Bushmaster 260 grain FMJ Ballistics table

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Underwood Ammunition Ballistics - 450 Bushmaster

Jump to a ballistics chart: Underwood 450 Bushmaster 245 grain Lehigh Xtreme Penetrator Lead-Free | Underwood Xtreme Hunter 450 Bushmaster 220 grain Lehigh Xtreme Defense Lead-Free

Underwood 450 Bushmaster 245 grain Lehigh Xtreme Penetrator Lead-Free Ballistics Chart

Underwood 450 Bushmaster 245 grain Lehigh Xtreme Penetrator Lead-Free Ballistics table

Underwood Xtreme Hunter 450 Bushmaster 220 grain Lehigh Xtreme Defense Lead-Free Ballistics Chart

Underwood Xtreme Hunter 450 Bushmaster 220 grain Lehigh Xtreme Defense Lead-Free Ballistics table

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Winchester Ammunition Ballistics - 450 Bushmaster

Jump to a ballistics chart: Winchester Deer Season XP 450 Bushmaster 250 grain Polymer Tip | Winchester Power Point 450 Bushmaster 260 grain SP

Winchester Deer Season XP 450 Bushmaster 250 grain Polymer Tip Ballistics Chart

Winchester Deer Season XP 450 Bushmaster 250 grain Polymer Tip Ballistics table

Winchester Power Point 450 Bushmaster 260 grain SP Ballistics Chart

Winchester Power Point 450 Bushmaster 260 grain SP Ballistics table

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Administrative Note: The information above comes from the manufacturers and is only informational. The actual ballistics obtained with your firearm can vary considerably from the advertised ballistics. Also, ballistics can vary from lot to lot with the same brand and load. When manufacturer ballistic data was unavailable, ballistics were calculated using a ballistics calculator.

450 Bushmaster Trajectory Chart

A bullet’s trajectory is its flight path to the target. Shooters measure the trajectory in inches of bullet drop, milliradians (MIL), or minutes of angle (MOA).

A flat trajectory is preferred for long-range shooting because it requires the marksman to make fewer adjustments to compensate for bullet drop. The 6.5 Creedmoor cartridge, with its high ballistic coefficient and relatively little bullet drop at long range, is an excellent example of a rifle cartridge with a flat trajectory.

The straight-walled 450 Bushmaster cartridge was not designed for long-distance shooting. It does not have a flat trajectory like the 6.5 Creedmoor or 308 Win, both of which fire projectiles with high ballistic coefficients. Instead, it was designed for close-range big-game hunting. It offers better performance than shotgun slugs when hunting hog and whitetail deer.

Below is a sample 450 Bushmaster bullet drop chart that gives you a general idea of its trajectory.

450 Bushmaster Elevation Chart

Note: The chart above is an example of one 450 Bushmaster load. Actual ballistic performance may vary depending on bullet weight, lot, barrel length, and environmental conditions while shooting.

450 Bushmaster Velocity

The bullet’s muzzle velocity is the rate at which it exits the rifle’s barrel, measured in feet per second (fps).

A longer 450 Bushmaster rifle barrel length produces a higher muzzle velocity, as it gives the exploding propellant more time to exert its energy against the projectile. When a 450 Bushmaster 300 grain bullet is launched from an AR-15 platform carbine with a 16-inch barrel, its velocity will be lower than the same 300 grain bullet fired from a Ruger American bolt-action rifle with a 22-inch barrel.

Bullet weight and design significantly affect how much velocity a projectile will exhibit downrange. For example, lighter bullets tend to have higher velocities than heavier bullets, and polymer-tipped hollow point boat tail projectiles tend to conserve velocity more efficiently than traditional soft point bullets.

Handloaded rounds can achieve higher velocities than factory-loaded ammo, which is one reason why reloading is so popular among competitive shooters. It also saves some money!

The muzzle velocity of a typical 450 Bushmaster cartridge ranges from about 1,900 fps to 2,400 fps, depending on the rifle and load you’re firing. There are also subsonic rounds that have extremely low muzzle velocities (~1,050 fps) by design.

450 Bushmaster Energy

A bullet’s energy is measured in foot-pounds (ft-lbs). Muzzle energy is the force a bullet possesses when it leaves the rifle barrel.

Heavier bullets tend to have higher muzzle energy, although the projectile’s velocity plays a significant role. For example, a 260 grain soft point has a higher muzzle energy (2,794 ft-lbs) than a 300 grain jacketed hollow point (2,405 ft-lbs). However, at 300 yards, the heavier projectile (300 grain JHP) will have conserved more of its energy (860 ft-lbs) compared to the 260 grain SP (770 ft-lbs).

Whichever round you choose for your Mossberg, Savage or Winchester, the 450 Bushmaster can be a shoulder-thumper.

450 Bushmaster Effective Range

Because the 450 Bushmaster was designed for taking large game in states that require straight-walled cartridges for hunting, its effective range and ballistic data might remind you of a magnum handgun cartridge which Henry, Marlin and Winchester lever-action rifles are commonly chambered for.

The effective range of the 450 Bushmaster is about 300 yards. Beyond this distance, the bullet drops so much that it becomes extremely inaccurate.

How Do 450 Bushmaster Ballistics Compare to Other Rifles?

Knowing how the 450 Bushmaster compares to other big-bore rifle cartridges like the 50 Beowulf, 350 Legend, 45-70 Govt. and 458 SOCOM is vitally important when deciding if it is the right one for you.

Because bullet diameter varies between each of these rounds, their ballistics will necessarily differ. This is why we’ve included an easy-to-read ballistics table that compares a few of the most common cartridges.

450 Bushmaster vs. 350 Legend Ballistics Chart

450 Bushmaster vs. 350 Legend Ballistics Chart

Don’t miss our in-depth comparison of the 450 Bushmaster vs 350 Legend!

450 Bushmaster vs. 45-70 Ballistics Chart

450 Bushmaster vs. 45-70 Ballistics Chart

450 Bushmaster vs. 458 SOCOM Ballistics Chart

450 Bushmaster vs. 458 SOCOM Ballistics Chart

Don’t miss our in-depth comparison of the 450 Bushmaster vs 458 SOCOM!

Frequently Asked Questions

The team at Ammo.com has gathered and answered several of the most commonly asked questions regarding 450 Bushmaster ballistics.

What is the effective range of a 450 Bushmaster?

The effective range of a 450 Bushmaster is about 300 yards.

How much does a 450 Bushmaster drop at 200 yards?

When zeroed at 100 yards, a 450 Bushmaster drops about 12” at 200 yards.

Is 45-70 more powerful than 450 Bushmaster?

Yes, the 45-70 is more powerful than the 450 Bushmaster.

What is the 450 Bushmaster equal to?

The 450 Bushmaster is not truly equivalent to any other round, although it is comparable to the 350 Legend and 45-70 Govt.

Wes Littlefield
Written by
Wes Littlefield