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6.5 PRC Ballistics Tables From Major Ammunition Manufacturers

Congrats! You found our in-depth look at 6.5 PRC ballistics from the leading ammo manufacturers.

Save time by clicking the links below to jump to your preferred ammo company and find the ballistic specs you need for your favorite 6.5 PRC factory load.

6.5 PRC Ballistics Charts

Jump to an ammo company: Barnes | Berger | Browning | Federal | Hornady | Norma | Nosler | Remington | Winchester

Barnes Ammunition Ballistics - 6.5 PRC

Jump to a ballistics chart: Barnes Precision Match 6.5 PRC 145 grain OTM BT | Barnes VOR-TX 6.5 PRC 127 grain LRX BT | Barnes VOR-TX 6.5 PRC 130 grain TSX BT

Barnes Precision Match 6.5 PRC 145 grain OTM BT Ballistics Chart

Barnes Precision Match 6.5 PRC 145 grain OTM BT Ballistics table

Barnes VOR-TX 6.5 PRC 127 grain LRX BT Ballistics Chart

Barnes VOR-TX 6.5 PRC 127 grain LRX BT Ballistics table

Barnes VOR-TX 6.5 PRC 130 grain TSX BT Ballistics Chart

Barnes VOR-TX 6.5 PRC 130 grain TSX BT Ballistics table

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Berger Ammunition Ballistics - 6.5 PRC

Jump to a ballistics chart: Berger Elite Hunter 6.5 PRC 140 grain OTM BT | Berger Elite Hunter 6.5 PRC 156 grain EOL

Berger Elite Hunter 6.5 PRC 140 grain OTM BT Ballistics Chart

Berger Elite Hunter 6.5 PRC 140 grain OTM BT Ballistics table

Berger Elite Hunter 6.5 PRC 156 grain EOL Ballistics Chart

Berger Elite Hunter 6.5 PRC 156 grain EOL Ballistics table

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Browning Ammunition Ballistics - 6.5 PRC

Jump to a ballistics chart: Browning Long Range Pro Hunter 6.5 PRC 140 grain TGK | Browning Max Point 6.5 PRC 140 grain Polymer Tip

Browning Long Range Pro Hunter 6.5 PRC 140 grain TGK Ballistics Chart

Browning Long Range Pro Hunter 6.5 PRC 140 grain TGK Ballistics table

Browning Max Point 6.5 PRC 140 grain Polymer Tip Ballistics Chart

Browning Max Point 6.5 PRC 140 grain Polymer Tip Ballistics table

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Federal Ammunition Ballistics - 6.5 PRC

Jump to a ballistics chart: Federal 6.5 PRC 120 grain Trophy Copper | Federal 6.5 PRC 130 grain Terminal Ascent | Federal 6.5 PRC 143 grain ELD-X | Federal Fusion 6.5 PRC 140 grain SP

Federal 6.5 PRC 120 grain Trophy Copper Ballistics Chart

Federal 6.5 PRC 120 grain Trophy Copper Ballistics table

Federal 6.5 PRC 130 grain Terminal Ascent Ballistics Chart

Federal 6.5 PRC 130 grain Terminal Ascent Ballistics table

Federal 6.5 PRC 143 grain ELD-X Ballistics Chart

Federal 6.5 PRC 143 grain ELD-X Ballistics table

Federal Fusion 6.5 PRC 140 grain SP Ballistics Chart

Federal Fusion 6.5 PRC 140 grain SP Ballistics table

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Hornady Ammunition Ballistics - 6.5 PRC

Jump to a ballistics chart: Hornady 6.5 PRC 147 grain ELD Match | Hornady Outfitter 6.5 PRC 130 grain CX | Hornady Precision Hunter 6.5 PRC 143 grain ELD-X

Hornady 6.5 PRC 147 grain ELD Match Ballistics Chart

Hornady 6.5 PRC 147 grain ELD Match Ballistics table

Hornady Outfitter 6.5 PRC 130 grain CX Ballistics Chart

Hornady Outfitter 6.5 PRC 130 grain CX Ballistics table

Hornady Precision Hunter 6.5 PRC 143 grain ELD-X Ballistics Chart

Hornady Precision Hunter 6.5 PRC 143 grain ELD-X Ballistics table

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Norma Ammunition Ballistics - 6.5 PRC

Jump to a ballistics chart: Norma Bondstrike Extreme 6.5 PRC 143 grain Ballistic Tip | Norma Whitetail 6.5 PRC 140 grain SP

Norma Bondstrike Extreme 6.5 PRC 143 grain Ballistic Tip Ballistics Chart

Norma Bondstrike Extreme 6.5 PRC 143 grain Ballistic Tip Ballistics table

Norma Whitetail 6.5 PRC 140 grain SP Ballistics Chart

Norma Whitetail 6.5 PRC 140 grain SP Ballistics table

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Nosler Ammunition Ballistics - 6.5 PRC

Jump to a ballistics chart: Nosler 6.5 PRC 140 grain Ballistic Tip | Nosler Expansion Tip 6.5 PRC 120 grain E-Tip | Nosler Trophy Grade 6.5 PRC 140 grain AccuBond | Nosler Trophy Grade 6.5 PRC 142 grain AccuBond LR

Nosler 6.5 PRC 140 grain Ballistic Tip Ballistics Chart

Nosler 6.5 PRC 140 grain Ballistic Tip Ballistics table

Nosler Expansion Tip 6.5 PRC 120 grain E-Tip Ballistics Chart

Nosler Expansion Tip 6.5 PRC 120 grain E-Tip Ballistics table

Nosler Trophy Grade 6.5 PRC 140 grain AccuBond Ballistics Chart

Nosler Trophy Grade 6.5 PRC 140 grain AccuBond Ballistics table

Nosler Trophy Grade 6.5 PRC 142 grain AccuBond LR Ballistics Chart

Nosler Trophy Grade 6.5 PRC 142 grain AccuBond LR Ballistics table

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Remington Ammunition Ballistics - 6.5 PRC

Remington Premier Long Range 6.5 PRC 140 grain Slipstream Polymer Tip Ballistics Chart

Remington Premier Long Range 6.5 PRC 140 grain Slipstream Polymer Tip Ballistics table

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Winchester Ammunition Ballistics - 6.5 PRC

Jump to a ballistics chart: Winchester Copper Impact 6.5 PRC 125 grain Extreme Point | Winchester Expedition Big Game 6.5 PRC 142 grain AccuBond LR | Winchester Match 6.5 PRC 140 grain MatchKing HPBT

Winchester Copper Impact 6.5 PRC 125 grain Extreme Point Ballistics Chart

Winchester Copper Impact 6.5 PRC 125 grain Extreme Point Ballistics table

Winchester Expedition Big Game 6.5 PRC 142 grain AccuBond LR Ballistics Chart

Winchester Expedition Big Game 6.5 PRC 142 grain AccuBond LR Ballistics table

Winchester Match 6.5 PRC 140 grain MatchKing HPBT Ballistics Chart

Winchester Match 6.5 PRC 140 grain MatchKing HPBT Ballistics table

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Administrative Note: The information above comes from the manufacturers. The ballistics obtained with your firearm can vary considerably from the advertised ballistics. Also, ballistics can vary from lot to lot with the same brand and load. When manufacturer data were unavailable, ballistics were calculated using a ballistics calculator.

6.5 PRC Ballistics Trajectory Chart

A bullet’s trajectory is its flight path to the target. Shooters measure trajectory in various ways, including inches of bullet drop, milliradians (MIL), and minutes of angle (MOA).

A flat trajectory is preferred for long-range shooting because it requires the marksman to make fewer adjustments to compensate for bullet drop. The 6.5 Creedmoor cartridge and 308 Winchester, with their high ballistic coefficient (BC) projectiles that exhibit relatively little drop at long range, are excellent examples of rifle cartridges with flat trajectories.

The 6.5 Precision Rifle Cartridge was conceived as a long-range rifle cartridge. It’s no surprise that its high BC bullets are ridiculously flat shooting and minimally affected by wind drift. Most 6.5 PRC loads drop less than 40 inches at 500 yards.

Below is a sample 6.5 PRC bullet drop chart that gives you a general idea of its trajectory.

6.5 PRC Elevation Chart

Note: The chart above is an example of one 6.5 PRC load. Actual ballistic performance may vary depending on bullet weight, lot, barrel length, and environmental conditions while shooting.

6.5 PRC Velocity

A bullet’s muzzle velocity is the rate at which it exits the barrel, measured in feet per second (fps).

A longer 6.5 PRC rifle barrel produces a higher muzzle velocity, as the exploding propellant has more time to exert its energy against the projectile. The Hornady Precision Hunter 6.5 PRC 143 grain ELD-X bullet has a muzzle velocity of 2,960 fps (out of a 24-inch barrel), which is about average for 6.5 PRC bullets.

Bullet weight and design significantly affect how much velocity a projectile will exhibit downrange. For example, lighter bullets tend to have higher velocities than heavier bullets, and polymer-tipped hollow point boat tail projectiles tend to conserve velocity more efficiently than traditional soft point bullets.

At 500 yards, the 143 grain ELD-X bullet conserves a velocity of approximately 2,248 fps.

Handloaded ammunition can achieve higher velocities than factory-loaded ammo, which is just one reason why reloading is so popular among competitive shooters. While it saves some money, producing enough rounds to justify it does require a time investment. For safety’s sake, we always recommend following your reloading manual’s instructions.

6.5 PRC Energy

Muzzle energy is the force a bullet possesses when it exits the rifle barrel. It is measured in foot-pounds (ft-lbs).

Heavier bullets tend to have higher muzzle energy. A projectile’s velocity plays a significant role, which is why lighter projectiles can have a higher muzzle energy than heavier ones. For example, the Nosler 142 grain AccuBond LR has a muzzle energy of 2,651 ft-lbs, and the Browning Max Point 140 grain Polymer Tip has a muzzle velocity of 2,949 ft-lbs.

Heavier projectiles conserve their energy more effectively downrange. The Nosler 142 grain AccuBond LR has a velocity of 1,513 ft-lbs at 500 yards, whereas the Browning Max Pint 140 grain Polymer Tip has a velocity of 1,437 ft-lbs at 500 yards.

In a typical Christensen Arms, Savage or Weatherby bolt-action hunting rifle, the 6.5 PRC cartridge has a felt recoil of about 22 ft-lbs. This is reasonable for short-action rifles, but it is still more than the 6.5 Creedmoor.

6.5 PRC Effective Range

This new cartridge is worth considering if you’re looking to reach distant ranges with lower accompanying recoil than long-action rifles typically generate.

It has excellent terminal performance for ethically harvesting mule deer, whitetail deer, and other medium-sized American game animals at long distances.

Seasoned hunters can effectively take game animals at 750 yards with a high-quality 6.5 PRC rifle and round.

Target shooters, such as those who want to participate in the Precision Rifle Series (PRS), will also enjoy the 6.5 PRC. It’s accurate out to 1,000 yards, and boasts longer barrel life than magnum cartridges.

How Do 6.5 PRC Ballistics Compare to Other Rifle Cartridges?

If you’re wondering how this new cartridge compares to some of the most proven rifle cartridges, such as the 6.5 Creedmoor, 308 Winchester, 270 Winchester or 7mm Remington Magnum, then you’re in luck. We’ve gathered the ballistics of several other rifle rounds and directly compared them to the 6.5 PRC below.

6.5 PRC vs. 6.5 Creedmoor Ballistics Chart

6.5 PRC vs. 6.5 Creedmoor Ballistics Chart

6.5 PRC vs. 308 Ballistics Chart

6.5 PRC vs. 308 Ballistics Chart

6.5 PRC vs. 7mm Rem Mag Ballistics Chart

6.5 PRC vs. 7mm Rem Mag Ballistics Chart

6.5 PRC vs. 270 Win Ballistics Chart

6.5 PRC vs. 270 Win Ballistics Chart

Frequently Asked Questions

The team at Ammo.com has gathered and answered some of the most commonly asked questions about 6.5 PRC ballistics.

What is the effective range of a 6.5 PRC?

The effective range of a 6.5 PRC is about 750 yards for hunting and 1,000+ yards for target shooting.

What is a 6.5 PRC equivalent to?

The 6.5 PRC is similar to the 6.5 Creedmoor, 6.5x284 Norma, and 7mm PRC.

Does the 6.5 PRC kick more than 308?

No, the 6.5 PRC does not kick more than a 308. They have roughly the same amount of recoil.

Is 7mm better than 6.5 PRC?

The 7mm Rem Mag is better than the 6.5 PRC for elk hunting at extended ranges, whereas the 6.5 PRC is better than the 7mm Rem Mag for target shooting.

Wes Littlefield
Written by
Wes Littlefield