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9mm Makarov Ammo For Sale

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History of 9mm Makarov Ammo

In 1946, Boris V. Semin designed the experimental 9x18 Makarov cartridge as an alternative to the popular 9x18 Ultra, developed in 1936 by Gustav Genschow for the German Luftwaffe. In 1947, Nikolay Fyodorovich Makarov designed the Makarov PM pistol around the 9x18mm round, which was introduced in 1948. Makarov’s pistol, also known as the Pistolet Makarova, was a powerful alternative to the 9mm used in the Walther PP/PPK series. The 9mm Makarov, a double-action, straight blowback pistol, was manufactured at Russia’s Izhevsk factory. One of the benefits of Makarov’s design was that the pistol was made with only 28 parts.

In 1951, the 9x18 Makarov became a standard issue sidearm for many Russian military installations as well as civilian homes. Although the pistol and ammunition were dominant in the Soviet Union, they also took hold and were produced in Bulgaria, East Germany, and China. The Cuban military also carried Makarov PMs, but it has never been proven that they were manufactured in Russia or on the island under license.

The Makarov PM pistol was used as a replacement for the TT-33 pistol. However, the ammunition had to meet certain requirements. First, it needed to function well in a blowback pistol. Second, it needed to be distinct from NATO ammunition, so that Warsaw Pact ammo could not be used by NATO forces against them. In other words, the difference in the case size of the 9x18 Makarov was intentionally smaller than the traditional 9x19mm Parabellum, so that if the ammunition was captured by an enemy, it could not be used safely in standard 9mm Luger pistols.

9mm Makarov Ballistics: Chart of Average 9mm Makarov Ballistics

Note: This information comes from the manufacturer and is for informational purposes only. The actual ballistics obtained with your firearm can vary considerably from the advertised ballistics. Also, ballistics can vary from lot to lot with the same brand and type load.

9mm Makarov Bullet WEIGHT Muzzle VELOCITY (fps) Muzzle ENERGY (ft. lbs.) Mid-Range TRAJECTORY (in.) Barrel Length (in.)
  Muzzle 50 yds. 100 yds. Muzzle 50 yds. 100 yds. 50 yds. 100 yds.  
95 Grain 1000 930 874 211 182 161 n/a n/a 4"
Molly Carter
Written by
Molly Carter