Remington 357 Magnum Ammo For Sale
Overview of Remington 357 Magnum Ammo
Key Features of Remington .357 Magnum Ammo:
- Historical Legacy: Established in 1871, Remington Arms has been a leader in ammunition and firearms technology for over 150 years.
- Diverse Selection: Offers a range of options, including High Terminal Performance (HTP) with 125 grain semi-jacketed hollow points, Performance WheelGun with 158 grain semi-wadcutters, and UMC with 125 grain soft points.
- Reliable Performance: Known for consistent ignition, precise powder loads, and high-quality brass casings, ensuring smooth feeding, reliable expansion, and deep penetration for self-defense, hunting, and target shooting.
Since 1871, Remington Arms has been an industry leader in ammunition and firearms technology. The .357 Magnum is the gold standard for revolver defensive carry ammo. Developed by Elmer Keith, Remington .357 Magnum ammo is loaded to be powerful, reliable, and packed with stopping power.
Self-Defense Options:
- High Terminal Performance (HTP): Loaded with a 125 grain semi-jacketed hollow point, providing excellent power and reliability for self-defense.
- Performance WheelGun: Available with a 158 grain semi-wadcutter bullet, offering extreme accuracy and low recoil, ideal for target practice and competitions.
Hunting Options:
- UMC Soft Point: Loaded with a 125 grain soft point bullet, perfect for hunting with a revolver or lever-action rifle, providing the terminal ballistics needed for whitetail deer.
Remington .357 Magnum ammo is suitable for various uses, including self-defense, hunting, and target practice. Whether you need reliable self-defense rounds, effective hunting ammo, or affordable practice ammunition, Remington has a solution.