Black Hills Ammunition For Sale
Customer Reviews
THL said:
Took it out in my tavor, with a 14x primary arms scope, shoots about 2 MOA off of a bench in quick fire. Not too shabby for a HD OTM round rather than the match BTHP rounds
Investigator Man said:
I’ve used this Ammo as my duty Ammo as well as my full time carry Ammo for all occasions. It’s stopping power is second to none.. highly reliable and this Ammo will deliver, I have this Ammo in 9mm .40 as well as in .38 / .357. I motto is : Don’t ever buy cheap Ammo when your life depends on it!!
Bolo said:
Good value, great Ammo. Great service. Customer for life!
Gene said:
Great personal defence round. Feeds well. Beretta, Colt and Smith concealed carry.
Len said:
No misfires, no problems. Great.
Lou said:
The bullet design seems like a good concept, the ballistic gel tests that I've seen regarding the Honey Badger design were impressive. The concern: The very first round I tried to feed into my Dan Wesson 1911 jammed solid on the feed ramp. Subsequent tries had the same result and the cartridge suffered ~1mm of bullet setback. That particular cartridge didn't appear any different than the others. I cycled other rounds from the same box several times without issue or bullet setback. Maybe the first round I tried was defective. The next time I go to the range I'll try them out.