Remington 380 ACP Ammo For Sale
Overview of Remington 380 ACP Ammo
Since 1871, Remington Arms has been an industry leader when it comes to ammunition and firearms technology. Developed in 1908 by John Moses Browning, the .380 Automatic Colt Pistol (ACP) was originally designated as a self-defense round. Although many shooters disagree on the effectiveness of the .380 for CCW, many devout followers hold true to their beloved Walther PPK, Kel-Tech P3AT, and many other .380 ACP pocket pistols.
With multiple lines of Remington .380 ammo available, it can be a little confusing picking the right one for your application.
Target Practice Options:
- Remington UMC .380 ACP: Ideal for target practice, with low recoil and affordable pricing. Value packs of 100 and 250 rounds are perfect for an afternoon of plinking or target shooting.
- Range Clean Remington .380 ACP: Features a TMJ bullet to minimize lead exposure, making it suitable for indoor ranges. Great for high-volume shooting, but not recommended for self-defense.
Self-Defense Options:
- Golden Saber Defense: A benchmark for hollow point bullets, designed to meet FBI ballistics requirements. It is a top choice for law enforcement and personal defense.
- HTP (High Terminal Performance): Offers excellent terminal ballistics and expansion, making it a reliable option for CCW or home defense pistols.
No matter which Remington .380 ammunition option you prefer, Ammo.com will make sure that your order is shipped quickly to your door in an unmarked package. This ensures nosey neighbors can keep their anti-2A opinions to themselves and keeps you locked and loaded with a full stock of Remington .380 ammo.
No longer will you be chained to the whims of ammo shortages or whatever your local range can source, because you have a massive stockpile of Remington .380 ammo right at your fingertips. Just throw a box or two in your bag and we’ll see you on the range!
Read Our 380 ACP Ammo Reviews
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Federal Hydra-Shok 380 | Read Review |
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Customer Reviews
Bob said:
I bought 500 rounds a year or so ago and have really enjoyed it. I use it in my Ruger LCP and have had no problems at all. It's smooth shooting. easy to load and what more can I say, some of the best ammo I've used. The price was excellent. I always check the site for great deals and have found them.
Robert said:
This is some of the best ammo I've used. It loads smooth and is quite accurate. You get a lot for the money.