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How Old Do You Have to Be to Buy A Gun: A State of Ages

Disclaimer: All ages listed are the maximum age for firearm purchases in the state. Ages may be lower in some areas or for some firearms.

The United States is unique in that laws vary depending on where you are in the country. Federally, those purchasing a firearm from an FFL dealer (Federal Firearms License) must be twenty-one years of age. However, there are exceptions in some states that allow those purchasing firearms to do so earlier.

We’ve analyzed state and federal laws to clarify the legal age for gun purchases in the United States.

Report Highlights: Federal law states that eligible citizens must be over 21 to purchase a handgun and over 18 to purchase a long gun; however, state laws vary regarding private purchases.

  • Vermont, Rhode Island, New York, Illinois, Florida, Delaware, and California all have age restrictions above the federally mandated purchasing age.

  • Kentucky has no minimum age to purchase a long gun in a private sale.

  • Twenty-three states allow those between 18 and 21 to purchase handguns in private sales.

  • Many jurisdictions have ordinances where it may be illegal to sell a firearm to a minor despite state laws.

Report Highlights - Gun Laws by State

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We’ve reviewed the websites of all fifty states to provide a reliable analysis of each state’s firearms purchasing laws. Unfortunately, state laws are incredibly challenging to navigate. We did our best to clarify common misconceptions and misinformation by researching state websites, existing statutes, media coverage, and ATF guidelines.

Here are the ways we obtained the information contained in this article:

  • Due to differences between selling and buying firearms, we researched firearm transfer and possession laws in each state. For example, although there may be no minimum age to purchase a firearm, it may be illegal to sell a gun to a minor. We’ve done our best to combat this misinformation by making the distinction in each section.
  • We researched municipal laws and state laws using the ATF website. Then, the findings were cross-referenced with state websites to ensure accuracy.
  • Using ATF-published ordinances allows us to better understand rules and regulations at the local level. Although a state may allow purchasing/selling a gun to a minor, local jurisdictions may prohibit it. Therefore, we’ve included the highest minimum age statewide (to prevent anyone from unlawfully purchasing or selling a firearm in a specific jurisdiction).
  • Researching private sales legislation allowed us to cover better whether minors could purchase firearms at ages younger than nationally mandated.
  • We cross-referenced existing age restrictions with local news articles and current statutes to avoid outdated information.

State and federal laws change annually. The information outlined below is up-to-date as of August 2024. It may be necessary to verify state laws before attempting to purchase or sell a firearm or ammunition to a child.

How Old Do You Have to Be to Own a Gun in The US: Comprehensive Review by State

To further compound the issue, the 2022 Bipartisan Safer Community Act requires those selling “for profit” to obtain their FFL. Unfortunately, we don’t have much clarification on what this means other than the government is very confused about why we would be selling from our own collections to begin with, and there’s no way to trace firearms.

The following sections cover the legal age for firearm purchasing at the state level. However, those buying handguns at ages younger than 21 and long guns younger than 18 must purchase from a private seller.

Note: State laws often change quickly. Therefore, checking your state’s updated statutes before purchasing or selling a firearm to a minor is important.


In Alabama, it is illegal to transfer a firearm to a minor without their parent’s consent. The state of Alabama defines a minor as any person under the age of nineteen.

  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Alabama is 19.
  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Alabama is 19.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Alabama Gun Laws.

Alabama Gun Laws


Alaska doesn’t have any special restrictions on firearms purchases by age. It is legal for sixteen-year-olds to possess a firearm with parental consent, but it is unlawful for anyone under 18 to purchase a long gun from an FFL or 21 to purchase a handgun, per federal law.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Alaska is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Alaska is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Alaska State Gun Statutes.

Alaska Gun Laws


Similar to Alaska, Arizona has no particular statute against transferring a firearm to a minor. Therefore, residents must obey federal laws (18 and 21, respectively) to purchase long guns and handguns from FFL dealers.

However, private sales are permitted, and those between 18 and 20 can openly carry firearms in the state. Since there are no laws prohibiting the sale of firearms to adults, and transferring firearms to minors without parental consent is a crime, it’s reasonable that 18-year-olds are allowed to buy both handguns and long guns from private sellers.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Arizona is 18.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Arizona is 18.

Click these links for a comprehensive overview of Arizona State Gun Statutes and Arizona State Firearm Sale Statutes.

Arizona Gun Laws


Arkansas does not have specific statutes prohibiting the transfer of long guns to minors. Furthermore, the state does prohibit minors from possessing handguns.

The state has no statutes prohibiting or regulating private sales. Therefore, the age to purchase a handgun or rifle from a private seller is 18.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Arkansas is 18.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Arkansas is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Arkansas State Gun Statutes.

Arkansas Gun Laws


Those purchasing firearms in California must go through a California-licensed dealer. A licensed dealer cannot sell any firearm to an individual under twenty-one unless that individual has a valid hunting license, is qualified law enforcement, is active military, or has been honorably discharged from the military.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in California is 21.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in California is 21.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of California State Gun Laws.

California Gun Laws


Recently, Colorado raised the minimum age to purchase long guns from eighteen to twenty-one. Therefore, as of 2024, anyone selling a firearm must ensure the purchaser is over twenty-one years old. The only exceptions included in this state are for active military members or those approved for ownership by the P.O.S.T. board.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Colorado is 21.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Colorado is 21.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Colorado State Gun Statutes.

Colorado Gun Laws


Connecticut does not allow private sales or transfers, and those who purchase must obtain a purchase certificate from the state. Upon acquiring the necessary approval, those eighteen and over can purchase long guns, and those twenty-one and older can buy handguns.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Connecticut is 21.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Connecticut is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Connecticut State Gun Statutes.

Connecticut Gun Laws


Delaware recently increased the age of firearm transfers from eighteen to twenty-one. Excluding those who possess a firearm for military, law enforcement, or hunting purposes, it is illegal for anyone under twenty-one to possess or purchase any firearm in Delaware (unless it’s a BB gun – but then they still need to be under supervision of someone over 21).

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Delaware is 21.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Delaware is 21.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Delaware State Gun Statutes.

Delaware Gun Laws


Although Florida raised the minimum age to purchase any firearm only a few short years ago, the State House has passed legislation to decrease it again. However, it is still illegal to sell a firearm to any person under twenty-one years of age (unless they are military or law enforcement).

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Florida is 21.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Florida is 21.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Florida State Gun Statutes.

Florida Gun Laws


Georgia does not prohibit private sales and only restricts firearm sales to minors (those under 18). Residents can purchase handguns and long guns at 18 years of age as long as they aren’t already prohibited and it is purchased in a private sale.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Georgia is 18.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Georgia is 18.

Click these links for a comprehensive overview of Georgia Open Carry Laws and Georgia State Gun Statutes.

Georgia Gun Laws


Residents of Hawaii must acquire a permit to purchase before buying a firearm. This permit is only issued to those 21. Therefore, residents must be 21 to purchase a handgun or long gun.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Hawaii is 21.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Hawaii is 21.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Hawaii’s Gun Purchasing Statutes.

Hawaii Gun Laws


Idaho residents can purchase a long gun or handgun at 18 through a private seller.

You can find more info on it here: Idaho State Gun Statutes.

Idaho Gun Laws


Illinois requires a FOID card (also known as a permit-to-purchase) to buy any firearm. A FOID can only be obtained by those over 21 unless a parent or guardian who is eligible sponsors the buyer. However, the state prohibits explicitly twenty-one-year-olds from purchasing easily concealable firearms such as handguns and semiautomatic centerfire rifles.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Illinois is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Illinois is 21, although some may purchase younger with a parent or guardian’s consent.

Click these links for a comprehensive overview of Illinois FOID FAQs and Illinois State Gun Statutes.

Illinois Gun Laws


The minimum age to purchase a handgun or long gun in Indiana is 18 years old. However, this applies only to private sales when those under twenty-one are purchasing a handgun.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Indiana is 18.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Indiana is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Indiana State Gun Statutes.

Indiana Gun Laws


It is illegal to sell or make available a rifle or shotgun to an individual under eighteen in Iowa. It is also illegal to sell or make available a handgun to anyone under twenty-one.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Iowa is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Iowa is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Iowa State Gun Statutes.

Iowa Gun Laws


In Kansas, it is legal to transfer a firearm to any individual over the age of 18 as long as they aren’t prohibited from possessing the firearm. Furthermore, it’s illegal to transfer a firearm with a barrel shorter than 12” to anyone under the age of eighteen.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Kansas is 18.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Kansas is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Kansas State Gun Statutes.

Kansas Gun Laws


Kentucky statute states that it is illegal to give a juvenile (an individual under 18 years of age) a handgun. However, only those over 21 may carry a handgun without a permit. Furthermore, Kentucky law does not mention a minimum age for purchasing or possessing rifles and shotguns.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Kentucky is 18.
  • Kentucky has no set minimum age for rifle purchases in private sales.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Kentucky Gun Laws.

Kentucky Gun Laws


Louisiana, like many other states, does not prohibit private sales. However, it is illegal for an individual under 18 to possess a handgun and to deliver for value any firearm to a minor. Therefore, the legal age to purchase a firearm in Louisiana (private sales only) is eighteen.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Louisiana is 18.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Louisiana is 18.

Click these links for a comprehensive overview of Louisiana State Gun Statutes and Louisiana Gun Laws.

Louisiana Gun Laws


Maine prohibits anyone under the age of eighteen from buying a handgun, but it does allow temporary transfers if the minor is using it for employment purposes and the firearm is locked and unloaded during transport. Those between sixteen and eighteen can purchase or receive long guns (rifles and shotguns) from parents and guardians.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Maine is 18.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Maine is 18, although some may purchase them earlier with a parent or guardian’s consent.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Maine Gun Laws.

Maine Gun Laws


Maryland requires a Handgun Qualification License before residents may purchase a handgun. The minimum age to acquire this license and buy a handgun is twenty-one. Maryland also restricts anyone under the age of eighteen from purchasing ammunition or long guns.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Maryland is 21.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Maryland is 21.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Maryland Gun Laws.

Maryland Gun Laws


Massachusetts requires firearm identification cards for all firearm purchasers. Those purchasing a handgun must be twenty-one or older. Those purchasing rifles and shotguns may do so at the age of eighteen. However, those 18-21 cannot purchase rifles capable of holding more than ten rounds and shotguns capable of holding more than five shells.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Massachusetts is 21.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Massachusetts is 18, but there are some limitations.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Massachusetts State Gun Laws.

Massachusetts Gun Laws


Michigan requires a permit to purchase any firearm (excluding law enforcement, CCW holders, and FFL dealers) before residents can purchase it. Only those over 21 years of age can purchase a handgun, and only those over 18 can purchase a rifle or shotgun.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Michigan is 21.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Michigan is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Michigan State Gun Statutes.

Michigan Gun Laws


Minnesota requires residents to obtain a permit to purchase and background check for all handgun and military-style assault weapon sales. Therefore, residents must be 21 years of age to purchase a firearm. Furthermore, it is unlawful to sell any long guns to individuals under the age of 18.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Minnesota is 21.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Minnesota is 18.

Click these links for a comprehensive overview of Minnesota Gun Laws and Minnesota State Gun Statutes.

Minnesota Gun Laws


It is unlawful for a dealer to sell a handgun to any individual under 21 years of age in Mississippi. However, the state has no restrictions on private sales, and those 18 and over are lawfully permitted to possess a firearm. The state also has statutes against selling any individual under 18 any firearm.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Mississippi is 18.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Mississippi is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Mississippi Gun Laws.

Mississippi Gun Laws


Missouri does not permit any firearm sales to individuals under the age of 18 without a parent or guardian’s consent. It is also illegal to sell ammunition to individuals under 18. Lastly, residents under the age of 15 are prohibited from possessing firearms.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Missouri is 18.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Missouri is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Missouri Gun Laws.

Missouri Gun Laws


Federally, no individual under the age of 18 may purchase a handgun, even from a private seller. However, Montana sets no specific age for firearm purchases. The state allows districts to set age limits, and some districts set the age to purchase long guns at 18 years of age.

If you live in Montana, it’s best to check local ordinances before transferring firearms to minors.

  • The minimum age to purchase a pistol in Montana is 18.
  • The minimum age to purchase a rifle in Montana is 18 in some jurisdictions, while others mention no minimum age.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Montana Gun Laws.

Montana Gun Laws


It is illegal to sell any firearm to juveniles (under 18) in Nebraska. Residents must obtain a permit to purchase handguns from their local law enforcement agency. Typically, handgun purchase permits aren’t issued to anyone younger than 21 years old.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Nebraska is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Nebraska is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Nebraska Gun Laws.

Nebraska Gun Laws


In Nevada, it is a Class B felony to transfer a concealable firearm to individuals under 18. Furthermore, it is illegal to supply long guns to any individual under 18 unless the child is over 14, has a license to hunt, and is accompanied by a parent or guardian.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Nevada is 18.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Nevada is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Nevada Gun Laws.

Nevada Gun Laws

New Hampshire

New Hampshire does not specify a minimum age to purchase firearms. However, selling any firearm to a minor (under 18) is a misdemeanor unless a parent/guardian or grandparent is the one making the transfer. It is also lawful to leave a gun to a minor as part of an estate in New Hampshire.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in New Hampshire is 18.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in New Hampshire is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of New Hampshire Gun Laws.

New Hampshire Gun Laws

New Jersey

Any person who sells or transfers a firearm to individuals under 18 in New Jersey will face a minimum of five years in prison (excluding temporary transfers for shooting competitions or hunting). New Jersey also doesn’t permit private firearm sales.

Therefore, residents must be 21 to purchase a handgun and at least 18 to buy a long gun.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in New Jersey is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in New Jersey is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of New Jersey Gun Laws.

New Jersey Gun Laws

New Mexico

For the purposes of firearm transfers, New Mexico defines a “Person” as any individual over the age of 19. Possession of handguns for anyone 18 or younger is prohibited, and therefore, it is illegal to purchase a firearm.

The state also prohibits those under 18 from purchasing long guns, BB guns, or air rifles. Many cities in New Mexico also place restrictions on gun transfers to those under 19 years of age.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in New Mexico is 19.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in New Mexico is 18.

Click these links for a comprehensive overview of New Mexico State Gun Statutes and New Mexico Gun Laws.

New Mexico Gun Laws

New York

It is a Class C felony to sell a firearm to a minor in New York. The state requires permits to purchase handguns and rifles, which are only granted to those over twenty-one years of age.

Although most jurisdictions do not expressly prohibit eighteen to twenty-year-olds from purchasing shotguns, New York City does. Therefore, those in the state must be eighteen to purchase shotguns, twenty-one to purchase semiautomatic rifles/handguns, and over twenty-one to purchase any firearm in New York City.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in New York is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in New York is 18, except in New York City, where the minimum age is 21.

Click these links for a comprehensive overview of New York Gun Laws and New York City Ordinances.

New York Gun Laws

North Carolina

North Carolina requires all sellers to obtain a license to sell pistols and handguns and follows federal guidelines for setting minimum ages to purchase. Those purchasing handguns must be over the age of twenty-one, and only those over eighteen may buy long guns.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in North Carolina is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in North Carolina is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of North Carolina Firearm Transfers laws.

North Carolina Gun Laws

North Dakota

North Dakota residents may concealed carry a handgun at eighteen but are prohibited from purchasing one until age twenty-one. The state does not explicitly prohibit minors from buying long guns, but several jurisdictions prohibit the sale of any firearm to those under eighteen.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in North Dakota is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in North Dakota is 18.

Click these links for a comprehensive overview of North Dakota Gun Laws and the North Dakota Attorney General Statement.

North Dakota Gun Laws


Although Ohio does permit private firearm sales, the state specifically limits those under twenty-one from buying a gun. It is also illegal to purchase or attempt to purchase any firearm if the buyer is under eighteen.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Ohio is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Ohio is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Ohio Gun Laws.

Ohio Gun Laws


Despite recent legislative efforts to lower the handgun purchasing age in Oklahoma to eighteen, only those twenty-one and older may buy handguns in the state. It is also illegal to furnish a minor (under eighteen) with any firearm.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Oklahoma is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Oklahoma is 18.

Click these links for a comprehensive overview of Oklahoma Gun Laws and Oklahoma Bill Tracker.

Oklahoma Gun Laws


Oregon does not permit private firearm sales. Therefore, the state’s minimum age to buy guns mimics federal law. It is illegal for OR residents under twenty-one to purchase handguns and for those under eighteen to buy long guns.

Although the state legislature recently attempted to raise the age from eighteen to twenty-one, legislators cut the new provision from the bill before passing it.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Oregon is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Oregon is 18.

Click these links for a comprehensive overview of Oregon Gun Laws and Oregon State Gun Statutes.

Oregon Gun Laws


Pennsylvania residents may purchase a handgun at twenty-one and long guns (shotguns/rifles) at eighteen. Furthermore, only those who are under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian may possess any firearm.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Pennsylvania is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Pennsylvania is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Pennsylvania State Gun Law Statutes and Pennsylvania Gun Laws.

Pennsylvania Gun Laws

Rhode Island

Not only do Rhode Island residents have to reach the age of twenty-one to purchase a handgun, but the Governor recently signed a bill increasing the age to purchase shotguns and rifles. Moreover, it is illegal to sell ammunition to any person under twenty-one in Rhode Island.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Rhode Island is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Rhode Island is 21.

Click these links for a comprehensive overview of Rhode Island State Firearm Statutes and Rhode Island Gun Laws.

Rhode Island Gun Laws

South Carolina

South Carolina doesn’t prohibit private sales. Those between eighteen and twenty may purchase a handgun. It is illegal to sell a handgun to any individual under eighteen years old in South Carolina unless they’re a member of the military or state militia.

Furthermore, it is unlawful to sell any firearm to a minor (an individual under eighteen) without their parent’s consent.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in South Carolina is 18.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in South Carolina is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of South Carolina Gun Laws.

South Carolina Gun Laws

South Dakota

Although South Dakota does not have specific prohibitions on firearm transfers by age, it is illegal for residents under eighteen to possess a handgun. Moreover, the state has particular laws against selling firearms to minors when a reasonable person believes they would use them to commit a crime.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in South Dakota is 18.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in South Dakota is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of South Dakota Gun Laws.

South Dakota Gun Laws


Tennessee, like many other states, does not prohibit private sales. It is illegal to sell any firearm to residents under eighteen years of age. Although the state does not have minimum ages for long gun possession, knowingly supplying a minor with a firearm when a reasonable person would believe they will commit a crime is illegal.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Tennessee is 18.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Tennessee is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Tennessee Gun Laws.

Tennessee Gun Laws


Texas prohibits the sale of any firearm to minors (those under eighteen). The state does offer some prosecutorial protections for those who sell a gun to a minor with the parent or guardian’s consent.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Texas is 18.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Texas is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Texas State Gun Laws.

Texas Gun Laws


It is illegal in Utah to sell any firearm to juveniles (individuals under eighteen). However, the state does have exceptions for parent/guardian consent.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Utah is 18.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Utah is 18.

Click these links for a comprehensive overview of Utah State Statutes and Utah Gun Laws.

Utah Gun Laws


In 2018, Vermont raised the age to purchase any gun for those under twenty-one. Exceptions may be made for those who join the military or have completed a hunter safety course.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Vermont is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Vermont is 21.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Vermont Gun Laws.

Vermont Gun Laws


Virginia follows federal law, which means residents must be 21 to purchase a handgun and 18 to purchase long guns. Furthermore, the state requires background checks for all firearm purchases. Even private sales require verification from a licensed dealer.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Virginia is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Virginia is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Virginia Gun Laws.

Virginia Gun Laws


Washington requires federal background checks for every firearm sale, even private ones. Therefore, it is illegal to sell handguns to anyone under twenty-one and long guns to anyone under eighteen.

However, the state also prohibits anyone under twenty-one from possessing semiautomatic long guns.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Washington is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Washington is 18, but semiautomatic rifles require buyers over 21.

Click these links for a comprehensive overview of Washington State Gun Laws and Washington State Firearm Statutes.

Washington Gun Laws

West Virginia

A federal judge in West Virginia recently ruled that it is unconstitutional to bar any person eighteen-twenty-one from purchasing firearms. The state also permits private sales.

Residents who can lawfully possess a firearm may purchase one if they are over eighteen, emancipated, married, or with a parent/guardian. However, it is illegal to sell a gun to any prohibited persons or if a reasonable person would believe the buyer intends to commit a crime.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in West Virginia is 18.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in West Virginia is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of West Virginia Gun Laws.

West Virginia Gun Laws


Not only is it illegal for anyone under eighteen to possess any firearm in Wisconsin, but it is also illegal to sell a gun to a minor.

The state does not require background checks for private sales and does not explicitly prohibit handgun sales to those under twenty-one. However, it is illegal for an individual under twenty-one to possess or discharge a handgun.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Wisconsin is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Wisconsin is 18.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Wisconsin State Gun Laws and Wisconsin State Gun Laws ATF.

Wisconsin Gun Laws


Wyoming does permit anyone over eighteen to purchase a pistol or long gun. However, some city ordinances prohibit the sale of pistols to those under twenty-one. Furthermore, those under eighteen may temporarily use a parent or guardian’s pistol as long as it is under direct supervision.

  • The minimum age to buy a pistol in Wyoming is 21.
  • The minimum age to buy a rifle in Wyoming is 18 without a parent or guardian’s consent.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of Wyoming State Firearm Statutes.

Wyoming Gun Laws

Which States Raised the Minimum Age to Buy a Gun

In 2023, a federal judge in West Virginia ruled that it is unconstitutional to prohibit those aged eighteen to twenty-one from purchasing a handgun. However, that ruling does not apply to all fifty states, and many legislatures are increasing the minimum age to buy a gun.

Although the federal government allows individuals to purchase long guns at eighteen, many states don’t feel that their residents should exercise their Second Amendment rights until twenty-one.

Moreover, some states ban ammunition or certain firearms for those under twenty-one. Hawaii, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Vermont, Washington, and New York City have minimum purchase ages above the federal government.

In 2018, California increased the age to buy long guns (rifles and shotguns) from eighteen to twenty-one. Despite recent efforts to lower the gun-purchasing age back to eighteen, Florida also increased the age to purchase guns in 2018 to twenty-one after the Marjory Stoneman-Douglas attack.

Colorado increased the age to purchase firearms from eighteen to twenty-one in 2023. Washington increased the age to twenty-one for those purchasing semiautomatic weapons, and Hawaii recently increased the age to buy ammunition. Although New York residents can purchase long guns at eighteen, those in New York City must acquire a permit to buy any guns, and this permit isn’t available to those under twenty-one. Illinois requires a FOID card for firearm purchases and possession, which isn’t available to those under twenty-one.

Can You Legally Buy a Gun in One State and Transfer It to Another?

Per federal law, you can purchase long guns across state lines through an FFL dealer. Handguns must be transferred from an FFL dealer in the purchasing state to an FFL dealer in your home state before the sale can be legally complete.

However, many states have their own laws about interstate purchases, so shoppers must understand the laws in both states before buying and selling firearms. Below, you’ll find issues that could make it illegal to transfer firearms between state lines.

Issue 1 - Federal vs. State Laws

Before purchasing or selling a firearm in another state, it’s critical to understand federal versus state laws. Unfortunately, the hierarchical structure of the United States means you must abide by Federal laws, but states can make their own anti-gun laws as well.

In the U.S., it is legal to purchase long guns across state lines as long as you’re over the age of eighteen. It is illegal to buy a handgun across state lines even if you’re over twenty-one years of age.

However, some states have laws restricting purchases in their own states, other states, the types of firearms you can buy, and even limitations on ammunition and accessories.

Issue 2 - Stringent vs. Relaxed State Laws

California law states that residents cannot travel to other states to purchase guns without going through a CA-licensed dealer. Illinois has an assault weapons ban, so traveling to another state to buy a semiautomatic rifle could net a criminal charge in that state. States with stringent gun laws versus those with relaxed laws make it even more challenging to understand interstate firearms purchasing. For those interested in purchasing guns over state lines, it’s important to know all of the laws in your state and the purchasing state.

Issue 3 - The Legality of Firearms in Each State

As mentioned previously, some states ban certain types of firearms, magazines, ammunition, and other accessories. Furthermore, some states, like Washington, have fringe laws where it’s legal to sell long guns to those under twenty-one, but this excludes semi-automatic rifles.

Traveling to another state to buy a gun could land you in hot water in your home state, the purchasing state, or both.

Old Enough for Rights?

Many governors in the U.S. tend to support residents' Second Amendment rights, and others favor safety-based legislative action. The minimum age to buy guns isn’t a simple answer. Not only do federal and state laws apply, but so do city ordinances.


  1. California Increases Age to Buy Guns
  2. Florida Bill to Decrease Age to Buy Guns
  3. Colorado Purchase Age
Cassandra McBride
Written by
Cassandra McBride
