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Federal Hydra-Shok 12 Gauge Slug Review: Shockingly Effective?

Federal Hydra Shok 12 Gauge Slug Review

Federal Hydra-Shok projectiles have remained a staple in the self-defense realm for decades. They are commonly loaded in several popular handgun and shotgun rounds, including 9mm Luger, 45 ACP, and 12 Gauge.

We're focusing on the 12 Gauge slug in this review. It has been discontinued since this article's original publication, so I'll mention a few comparable products that will serve your Remington 870, Mossberg 500, or other 12 Gauge shotgun equally well.

Let's get started.

Federal Hydra Shok 12 Gauge Slug Overview

Federal Hydra-Shok 12 Gauge ammo was frequently implemented by law enforcement agencies seeking lower-recoil performance without forfeiting too much stopping power. Competition shooters and home defenders also found value in the Hydra-Shok's shoulder-friendlier performance. Greater comfort. Less muzzle flip. Reduced risk of over-penetration. All welcome advantages, regardless of application.

The Hydra-Shok slug couldn't match Federal's newer TruBall rifled slug in terms of accuracy. Federal Premium ultimately decided to go all-in on their TruBall and (cheaper) Power-Shok slug designs, pulling the plug on Hydra-Shok altogether.

Our Federal Hydra-Shok 12 Gauge Slug Review

Federal Premium produces some of the best ammo in the world. Federal's factory in Anoka, MN consistently produces handloader quality – a testament to the quality of their components and the stringency of their quality assurance protocol.

Federal Hydra Shok 12 Gauge Slug

In its time, Federal Hydra-Shok 12 Gauge slug ammo was treasured by law enforcement agencies because of its low recoil, which made training more enjoyable and facilitated rapid-yet-accurate fire. Non-LEOs quickly picked up on these benefits and began using the rounds for home defense.

In my opinion, buckshot is the better option for shotgun home defense ammo. Many agree with me, which is why Federal offers more types of 00 buck ammo for defense than they do slugs.

Hydra-Shok slugs are no longer listed on FederalPremium.com. They've been replaced by Power-Shok and Truball rifled slugs.

The rising popularity of HST bullets is poised to cause the discontinuation of Hydra-Shok series metallic cartridges, too. It was a decent run for Hydra-Shok, but there are just too many better alternatives for defense – not to mention cheaper options for training.

What Was It Best For?

Federal Hydra-Shok 12 Gauge slugs were favored for law enforcement training and home defense. They were loaded to reduce recoil, which made follow-up shots easier. The projectiles were less likely to penetrate multiple walls as well, which reduced the risk of collateral damage.


The most significant disadvantage of these rounds is they are now discontinued. Good luck finding them anymore.

These slugs were never intended for hunting. They don't carry enough kinetic energy past 50 yards to reliably and ethically harvest a whitetail.

The final nail in the coffin for the Federal Hydra-Shok slug was its inferior accuracy relative to TruBall and Power-Shok – Federal's other 12 Gauge slugs.

Pros and Cons

We strive to be as unbiased as possible here at Ammo.com. That's why we're open regarding the pros and cons of every round you offer for sale.


12 ga shotgun
  • Less likely to over-penetrate than full power slugs
  • Easier on the shoulder
  • Faster follow-up shots
  • Empty hulls are reloadable


  • Discontinued; becoming increasingly hard to find
  • Not intended for hunting
  • Not as good for home defense as buckshot
  • Less accurate than TruBall slugs

Federal 12 Gauge 1-Ounce Hydra-Shok Rifled Slug Ballistics & Specs

Below, the team at Ammo.com has taken the time to create a ballistics table with some basic Federal 12ga Hydra-Shok slugs specs.

Category Muzzle 25 Yards 50 Yards 75 Yards 100 Yards
Velocity (FPS) 1300 1146 1040 966 909
Energy (FT-LBS) 1643 1277 1052 908 803
Wind Drift (10 MPH Crosswind) (Inches) - 0.7 2.7 5.7 9.6
Average Range * - 0.6 -2.6 -7.4

Note: This information comes from the manufacturer. Actual ballistics obtained with your shotgun can vary considerably from advertised ballistics. Also, ballistics can vary from lot to lot with the same brand and load type.


Don't worry about being unable to find Hydra-Shok slugs for sale! Federal and other manufacurers offer alternatives that outperform them. Here are a few:

Parting Shots

Federal Premium Truball 12 Gauge ammo for sale

Now that you've finished reading our Federal Hydra-Shok 12 Gauge slug review, you know these rounds are difficult to find because they'rediscontinued.

However, there are better options produced by Federal, like Federal Premium Truball Low Recoil 1oz Rifled Slug and Federal Power-Shok 1oz Rifled Slug.

Be sure to stock up on all your ammo needs at Ammo.com!

Frequently Asked Questions

I've rounded up and answered a few commonly asked questions regarding Federal Hydra Shock 12-gauge slugs below.

Are Hydra Shok Bullets Any Good?

Yes, Hydra Shok bullets are good. They've been used since 1989.

What Is a Hydra-Shok Slug?

A Hydra-Shok slug was formerly one of Federal Premium's most popular shotgun slugs. It has since been obsoleted by more modern and effective designs.

Is Hydra Shok Ammo Illegal?

No, Hydra Shok ammo is not illegal to use for self-defense. (We are not attoneys. We are not qualified to give legal advice. No information on this website is intended to be construed as legal advice. Be sure to check your state and local laws.)

Wes Littlefield
Written by
Wes Littlefield

Ammunition Reviews