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Best Ammo for Taurus G3c: The Ammo That Feeds Your Needs

Best Ammo for Taurus G3c

It’s no secret that some guns are picky when it comes to ammo. Although it’s an effective carry gun, the Taurus G3c tends to be a bit pickier about ammo than other firearms. This is mostly attributed to narrow feed ramps that can cause a jam. Some types of ammunition only exacerbate the problem.

To help you sort through which ammo works and which doesn’t in regard to the Taurus G3c, I’ve compiled a list of the best ammo tailored specifically to that piece.

When choosing the ammunition listed below, I considered price, versatility, and bullet weights (since it’s a sub-compact). I landed on Fiocchi Defense Dynamics 124 grain JHP as the best overall ammo for this Taurus handgun. You can order that HERE. Or, keep reading to discover all our favorite cartridges for the Taurus G3c.

Top Best Ammo for Taurus G3c

Best Overall - Fiocchi Defense Dynamics 124 Grain JHP


Fiocchi 9mm Ammo - 1000 Rounds of 124 Grain JHP Ammunition


19 In stock now

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +10
  • Case: Brass
  • Bullet Type: Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)
  • Bullet Weight: 124 grains
  • Muzzle Velocity: 1100 fps
  • Muzzle Energy: 333 ft-lbs


  • Easily available
  • High quality
  • Great for personal defense
  • Affordable enough to fire at the range
  • Feeds well


  • Not the most technologically advanced bullet, but not ineffective at that

Why We Chose It

Fiocchi Defense Dynamics 124 Grain JHP (not to be confused with "Fiocchi Dynamic Defense," which doesn't exist) is the best cartridge overall for the Taurus G3c.

Fiocchi manufactures high-quality ammunition. Their jacketed hollow points are affordable enough for the range yet effective enough for personal defense. The JHP expands quickly on impact, creating a deep wound channel and enough expansion to knock down a threat quick.

Fiocchi is one of my go-to manufacturers because it checks all the boxes. This is an inexpensive option that performs well in sub-compact firearms. The company uses clean-burning powder, and its ammo feeds well despite the G3c’s notorious feed ramp issues. (If you do run into feed issues, a good cleaning should resolve them.)

Although Fiocchi Defense Dynamics is loaded with a somewhat economical JHP, it also features a precision-formed virgin brass case which helps to overcome the G3c’s feed issues.

Accuracy isn’t an issue with this ammo. Fiocchi Defense Dynamics is pretty precise within 25 yards, and the 124 grain JHP isn’t nearly as snappy as 115 grain variations. I trust Fiocchi to cycle and perform, the fact that it’s inexpensive is a bonus. Of course, like any ammunition, it can leave residue, so regularly cleaning your firearm is still essential to its performance.

Best Self-Defense Ammo for Taurus G3C - Federal Tactical HST 9mm +P


Federal Law Enforcement HST 9mm +P Ammo - 50 Rounds of 124 Grain JHP Ammunition


70 In stock now

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +10
  • Case: Nickel-Plated Brass
  • Bullet Type: Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)
  • Bullet Weight: 124 grains
  • Muzzle Velocity: 1200 fps
  • Muzzle Energy: 396 ft-lbs


  • Excellent terminal performance
  • High quality
  • Trusted personal defense ammunition
  • Generates higher chamber pressure than standard 9mm


  • Pricier than other self-defense options
  • Higher felt recoil

Why We Chose It

Federal Law Enforcement HST 9mm +P is my top pick for self-defense ammo in the Taurus G3c. It’s hard-hitting, reliable, and feeds well. I’ve never experienced any jams or malfunctions with Federal HST. It’s some of the best defense ammo on the market right now.

Federal HST 9mm +P generates more chamber pressure than standard 9mm ammo. The payoff is higher muzzle velocity, which produces a flatter trajectory and greater striking energy. The downside is stronger recoil, as well as accelerated wear and tear on the firearm's barrel and moving parts.

Whereas Fiocchi is an inexpensive range and defense cartridge, Federal HST is peak quality: made for cops, but available to "we the people" as well. It's a bit pricier than my top pick, but also packs a lot more punch.

HST bullets are accurate and reliable. These bullets also have nickel-plated brass cases, which further help with feeding. If you’re going to trust one round with your life, make this one it.

Honorable Mention

Hornady Critical Defense Lite FTX is another great self-defense round for your sub-compact Taurus. Similar to Federal HST above, these cartridges are designed for reliable expansion at lower velocities, as well as sufficiently deep penetration for defensive applications.

This isn’t a +P load like the HST. For some, this may be a benefit because less pressure also means less felt recoil. If you’re a novice shooter – or you don’t get a lot of range time – then Hornady Critical Defense Lite is a great option.

Honorable Mention

Speer Gold Dot 124 grain JHP is a bit cheaper than the first two self-defense options I mentioned, but it still performs really well. It feeds well and shoots straight.

Speer Gold Dot is a fan favorite self-defense cartridge for good reason. It has reliable expansion and feeds well in compact firearms like the Taurus G3c.

Best Range Ammo - Speer Lawman 147 Grain TMJ


Speer 9mm Ammo - 1000 Rounds of 147 Grain TMJ Ammunition


59 In stock now

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +10
  • Case: Brass
  • Bullet Type: Total Metal Jacket (TMJ)
  • Bullet Weight: 147 grains
  • Muzzle Velocity: 985 fps
  • Muzzle Energy: 317 ft-lbs


  • Perfect for indoor ranges
  • Reduces lead exposure
  • Reputable manufacturer
  • High quality
  • Reloadable


  • Pricier than FMJ rounds

Why We Chose It

Speer Lawman 147 grain TMJ is some of the best range ammo you’ll find, and it performs well in more compact handguns like Taurus'. These rounds' bullets are easily some of the best there are for target practice and qualifications. Speer Lawman rarely jams or fails to fire. It ejects well, and it’s clean.

The entire point of the TMJ is target shooting. The total metal jacket's copper shell fully encapsulates its lead core, which reduces lead exposure and fouling. This kind of performance is especially important while you’re shooting indoors.

While there are other bullets weights, I prefer 147 grains for long range days because it's subsonic, and therefore doesn't have a sharp, cracking report. If you want something snappier, you can also get Speer Lawman 124 grain TMJ.

Speer uses clean-burning powder and Boxer primers, which also helps reduce jams in the G3c. These rounds are also reloadable. If you have the know-how, they’re an excellent long-term investment.

These rounds' bullets aren’t great for self-defense because they don’t expand. However, they’re affordable, reliable, and great for target practice, plinking, and law enforcement qualifications.

Honorable Mention 

Federal American Eagle 147 grain FMJ is another target ammo I use often, and it’s equally reliable to Speer Lawman. This cartridge is loaded with an FMJ. It feeds well, and it’s reliable. It’s also a bit cheaper than the Lawman.

However, its bullet doesn’t have the all-encompassing one-piece metal jacket, and therefore has lead exposed at its base. Lead exposure isn’t too much of a concern for me, but it’s worth mentioning because. Outside of that, American Eagle is a timeless classic that’s never let me down, even in subcompact pistols with notorious feeding issues.

Honorable Mention

Winchester USA 115-Grain FMJ is a great training option if you’re looking for something snappier with a higher muzzle velocity. I like the faster options for training because they get people more comfortable with realigning their sights on the target.

Winchester uses high-quality components, so there’s less barrel fouling, which is great for keeeping the Taurus G3c’s narrow feed ramps clean.

Best Subsonic - Hornady Subsonic 147 Grain JHP XTP


Hornady Subsonic 9mm Ammo - 250 Rounds of 147 Grain JHP XTP Ammunition


14 In stock now

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +10
  • Case: Brass
  • Bullet Type: Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)
  • Bullet Weight: 147 grains
  • Muzzle Velocity: 975 fps
  • Muzzle Energy: 310 ft-lbs


  • Designed to expand at subsonic speeds
  • Excellent self-defense ammunition
  • Accurate
  • Versatile
  • Optimized for suppressors


  • Not the cheapest subsonic 9mm ammo available

Why We Chose It

Hornady Subsonic 147 grain JHP XTP is a great subsonic round for self-defense and the range. Of course, they also feed well and shoot straight in the Taurus G3c. Whether you have a suppressor or you just want something a bit quieter, this is great ammo.

XTP bullets have an excellent ballistic coefficient (G1 0.212), and an effective range out to about 50 yards in the sub-compact Taurus G3c. I like these because they’re designed to expand reliably at lower velocities, and they’re quieter than most other self-defense and target loads.

Hornady really gave us everything we wanted at a price point that’s affordable with these subsonic rounds. You can effectively use them at the range, for varmints, and in your everyday carry gun.

Parting Shots

The Taurus G3c has its problems, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make it a great concealed carry firearm. Choosing handgun ammunition that feeds well and isn’t dirty is the difference between whether you love or hate this sub-compact 9mm.

The G3c doesn’t like some hollow-points. Fortunately, Federal and Hornady’s personal defense ammo seems to feed well in every Taurus G3c I’ve tried. If yours is struggling to cycle your EDC ammo, try these cartridges.

If you want to view our full selection and try a few variations of 9mm ammo in your Taurus, click HERE.

Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose Ammo for Taurus G3c

Taurus G3c

The Taurus G3c is an affordable, semi-automatic handgun that’s a decent everyday carry (EDC). I like that it looks and feels like the Smith & Wesson M&P Compact 2.0 9mm.

Whether you’re new to the Taurus G series or you’re just new to firearms in general, you’re looking for the best ammo for the gun. The Taurus G3c is a sub-compact, polymer, tenifer black, and low-cost striker-fired pistol, so it’s perfect for beginners and novice shooters, as well as those who want to carry something a bit more affordable.

If you aren’t sure how to choose the best ammo for the Taurus G3c, keep reading the following sections while I teach you what to look for in your next box of ammo.


A 9mm handgun is excellent for self-defense. It has a flatter trajectory than the .45 ACP and more energy than the .380 Auto. Overall, the G3c isn’t bad (it’s notorious for feeding issues due to its narrow feed ramp).

Fiocchi, Federal, and Hornady JHPs all feed well in the Taurus G3c. You may find that one works better for you than the others. I recommend buying a box of each to see which works better for you.


Training and target ammo is pretty basic. You don’t need all the bells and whistles of JHPs and +Ps. We don’t need them to expand, we just need them to feed and fire, so you can get away with purchasing cheaper ammo.

Not all FMJs are created equally, however. For example, I was at the range last week and traded a guy my box of Winchester USA for his Blazer 124 grain because his Sig P320 wouldn’t cycle them.

While Blazer performs well in Glocks, Sig Sauer, Rugers, etc., it simply did not like that particular gun on that day. So, your best bet is to buy a box of high-quality FMJs and try them out before investing in bulk. You will also see a higher ROI if you’re reloading your training ammunition.

Suppressed Shooting

Taurus G3c

Suppressed shooting is appealing because it’s so much quieter. If you're hunting, it can keep nearby game unaware of your presence. If you're defending, it can save you from temorarily deafening yourself.

Choosing the best low-velocity ammunition for your firearms isn’t always straightforward. Subsonic ammo is specifically designed to achieve muzzle velocity below the speed of sound (~1,125 fps). It’s important to choose ammunition that performs well at lower velocities. For example, if you want to shoot lower-velocity rounds at the range, most FMJs will serve you well. On the other hand, if you want suppressed hunting or self-defense ammunition, the design of the bullet is important.

Some projectiles have expansion issues at low velocity speeds. Hornady, Federal, and a few other companies engineer bullets specifically to overcome expansion failure. If you want suppressed handgun ammo for self-defense or hunting, read the reviews and investigate the designs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the Taurus G3 and the Taurus G3c?

Both of these are semi-auto 9mm pistols. The G3c has a shorter barrel (3.2”) than the full-size G3 (4”).

What does TORO stand for?

The Taurus G3c T.O.R.O. means Taurus Optics Ready Option, which just means it can natively accept red dot sights. It makes it easier to upgrade from standard front and rear sights.

Is the Taurus G3c a good carry gun?

Yes. If you have a CCW license (or live in a state that doesn’t require one), the G3c is a great personal defense handgun. Even first-time carriers can easily conceal and operate the G3c.

What’s the difference between the G3c and the Taurus G2c?

Both semi-auto 9mm pistols have a fair price point. The G3c has serrated drift adjustable sights (the Taurus Gx4 has these as well). Some users believe the serrations make it easier to see the rear sights. The G3c also has reduced trigger pull weight, better ergonomics, and more comfortable grips.

Back to the Best Ammo for Taurus G3c

Now that you know how to choose the right ammo for this handgun, it’s time to go back to the top of our list and order a few boxes. Click HERE to go back to our list.

Cassandra McBride
Written by
Cassandra McBride

Cartridge Recommendations