Best M193 Ammo for Stockpiling to Defend Freedom

If you've decided to stock up on the best 5.56 NATO ammo for your AR-15, then it's hard to ignore all of benefits M193 offers.
It has a flat trajectory. It's inexpensive. It's easy to find from various manufacturers thanks to the U.S military using it for years. It's the classic M193: perfect for stockpiling, reloading and target practice, and cheap enough for plinking. You can even use it for self-defense and hunting in a pinch.
If you’re in a hurry to have the best M193 ammo shipped to you, order a few boxes of the IMI 55gr FMJ M193 (from us). If you want a few more options, stick around and check out our top 5 best M193 ammunition options on the market today.
If you’re new to buying 5.56 rifle ammo or want to know more about stocking your armory to the gills, check out this buyer's guide. Otherwise, keep scrolling!
The Best M193 Ammo on the Market in 2024
- IMI 5.56x45 55gr FMJ
- PMC X-TAC 5.56x45 55gr FMJ
- Prvi Partizan 5.56x45 55gr FMJ
- Winchester USA 55gr FMJ M193
- Hornady Frontier 55gr FMJ
Best Overall
IMI 5.56x45 55gr FMJ
- Case: Brass
- Bullet Type: Full metal jacket (FMJ)
- Bullet Weight: 55 grains
- Muzzle Velocity: 3,215 fps
- Muzzle Energy: 1,262 ft-lbs
- Inexpensive and easy to find
- Consistent accuracy and muzzle velocity
- Excellent for target shooting
- Somewhat dirtier than other options
Why We Chose It
Our top pick overall is Israel Military Industries (IMI) 55gr full metal jacket (FMJ). It simply does everything we could want from M193 ammunition.
At less than $0.55/round (at the time of writing), it’s an affordable round that’s cheap enough to blow through a box or two every weekend at the range while still supplying the accuracy you demand from your AR-15 rifle.
We found that IMI ran flawlessly in all our rifles, and was more than accurate enough to clang steel plates at 300 yards with boring consistency.
Only one downside: we found it to be somewhat dirtier than other M193 ammunition options. However, at this price point, we were more than happy to sacrifice an extra patch or two to take care of this.
IMI 55gr FMJ M193 ammunition checks all the boxes and does everything we ask of it. It's also reloadable (just like every other option in this article)!
PMC X-TAC 5.56x45 55gr FMJ
- Case: Brass
- Bullet Type: FMJ
- Bullet Weight: 55 grains
- Muzzle Velocity: 3,240 fps
- Muzzle Energy: 1,306 ft-lbs
- Accurate and affordable
- Consistent muzzle velocity
- Works well in both 1:9" and 1:7" twist rate barrels
- Availability
Why We Chose It
South Korean-owned PMC keeps our stockpile growing with their X-TAC series 55gr FMJ M193 ammo. As with the other options on our list, you’ll find that PMC offers M193 ammunition that is affordable, accurate, and extremely reliable.
In our experience, PMC X-TAC does a decent job of stabilizing in both 1:9" and 1:7" twist rate barrels. This leads to better accuracy and more effective hits on target. Of course, it’s also affordable enough for plinking and target shooting.
If you want a round that’s likely to respond well to a variety of rifles, then you owe it to yourself to add the PMC X-TAC 55 grain FMJ to your ammo stockpile. But do be mindful that this cartridge goes pretty quickly. If you see it in stock, be sure to grab a box.
You don’t want to miss out on this high-quality, reliable M193 round!
Prvi Partizan 5.56x45 55gr FMJ
- Case: Brass
- Bullet Type: FMJ
- Bullet Weight: 55 grains
- Muzzle Velocity: 3,240 fps
- Muzzle Energy: 1,282 ft-lbs
- Low cost per round
- Widely available
- Reliable
- Many reloaders prefer Lake City Brass
Why We Chose It
These days, most of us are looking for a budget round that we can easily snatch up for a rainy day. Prvi Partizan 5.56x45 55 grain FMJ ammo fits that bill perfectly.
While Prvi Partizan (aka PPU) might not be American-made, we've always found the Serbian ammo to be accurate and reliable, making it perfect for buying in bulk.
In our experience, we found that the 55 grain FMJ bullets loaded in PPU ammo were slightly less accurate than our top two picks. However, they gave acceptable groups for general target practice and plinking.
Although this would not be our first choice of ammo for self-defense, Prvi Partizan 5.56 55 grain FMJ is a great option if you're looking to stockpile while it's cheap for a rainy day down the road.
Winchester USA 55gr FMJ M193 Ammunition
- Case: Brass
- Bullet Type: FMJ
- Bullet Weight: 55 grains
- Muzzle Velocity: 3,180 fps
- Muzzle Energy: 1,235 ft-lbs
- High-quality
- Affordable
- Available in bulk
- Not great for long-distance shots
Why We Chose It
If you're looking to stack American-made ammo to the rafters, then you owe it to yourself to get some Winchester USA 55gr FMJ. While this could easily be our best pick overall, the tried-and-true Winchester "white box" ammo falls slightly short in muzzle velocity which knocks it down a few pegs.
We found that this ammo is perfect for shots at 200 yards or less, and extremely reliable in our rifles to boot. Furthermore, Winchester M193 ammo is easy to buy in bulk, which is great if you want to ensure your ammo stockpiles are always topped off.
Winchester's stringent quality assurance protocol really shines through in this ammo, as we found it to be extremely consistent and reliable in all our rifles.
If you're looking for bulk 5.56 ammo, then go ahead and get a case of Winchester USA 5.56 M193 bulk ammo today!
Hornady Frontier 55gr FMJ
- Case: Brass
- Bullet Type: FMJ
- Bullet Weight: 55 grains
- Muzzle Velocity: 3,240 fps
- Muzzle Energy: 1,282 ft-lbs
- Hornady's legendary quality
- Affordability
- Occasionally hard to find
Why We Chose It
You’ll rarely see a Hornady cartridge poorly reviewed in any online forums. Hornady Frontier 55 grain M193 ammo holds to that legacy.
Backed by Hornady’s exceptional quality standards – and also one of the highest muzzle velocities on our list – we found this ammo to be extremely accurate at long range. Like all M193 ammo, it's loaded with a soft lead core 55 grain full metal jacket bullet. However, it seems like Hornady bullets just group a little tighter in our hands.
Despite its slightly higher price tag than our budget M193 ammo recommendation, Hornady Frontier is still affordable enough to sight in new AR-15 carbine without breaking the bank.
Hornady Frontier 55 grain FMJ M193 ammo doesn't stay on the shelves for long because everyone wants it for their AR-15s! If you find some of this ammo, make sure to add it to your cart. We promise you won't be sorrry.
Honorable Mention
There are so many amazing M193 ammo options on the market that we simply couldn't fit all of them onto our top 5 list. However, we wanted to share one more excellent alternative just in case you can't find any of our top picks.
Federal American Eagle 55gr FMJ XM193 is another amazing 55gr FMJ option. Like Hornady Frontier, it's produced in the famed Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (i.e. the U.S. government's largest small arms ammunition factory). Federal is one of the most popular ammo manufacturers in North America, and for good reason! Federal does a superb job of monitoring quality while also supplying affordable M193 rounds. Federal bulk XM193 ammo is also available in ammo cans, making it perfect for long-term storage.
Parting Shots
Hopefully, you’ve had as much fun learning about the best M193 ammo for stockpiling as we did writing about it. If you’d like to learn more, keep reading our buyer’s guide. But if you’re ready to make our favorite ammo yours, click HERE to start.
M193 Ammunition Buyer’s Guide
So, you're looking to load up on some high-quality M193 ammo? Good choice! The 55 grain FMJ M193 cartridge is well known for it's excellent terminal ballistics and affordability.
Stocking up on ammo is so important these days. With shortages and increasing prices, it’s best to get it while you can. But that doesn’t mean that just any ammo will serve you well when the time comes to get it out of the safe.
The M193 has been used by the U.S. military and civilians for nearly seven decades now. It has many uses, from fun plinking to self-defense and sighting in AR-15s. It’s for these reasons that the M193 is a round anyone with a 5.56 rifle should keep on hand.
Our buyer’s guide will help you to better understand the M193 and how to choose the rounds that work for you. Let’s get started!
The Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Explained
Every box of rifle ammo has a series of letters on it. These letters aren’t an advertising gimmick. They tell you what type of ammo you’re buying, and that tells you what its purpose is.
For example, soft point (SP) bullets are ideal for hunting and defense, as they are designed to inflict greater trauma by widening out during penetration. Hollow point boat tail (HPBT) and open tip match (OTM) bullets, on the other hand, are engineered to exhibit the low drag and high rotational stability requisite for precision long-range shooting.
Full metal jacket (FMJ) bullets aren't designed to expand (though they may fragment), and they generally aren't the most aerodynamically efficient available. They are accordingly best for target shooting when the greatest possible accuracy isn't needed.
Just because FMJ bullets aren't best at any one particular thing doesn't make them "bad." They penetrate effectively, travel far, and have a flat trajectory.
FMJ bullets' greatest blessing is their cost. They are inexpensive, which is one reason why they are standard for training and combat by all militaries (another being the Hague Convention of 1899, which places a moratorium on the use of expanding bullets like the SP or jacketed hollow point (JHP).
Understanding Twist Rates and the 5.56 NATO M193
Most common AR-15 barrels come in lengths of 16" or shorter, with either a 1:7" or 1:9" trate of twist. Longer (18" and up) barrels are also available, but are less popular than the lighter 16" ones.
The general consensus is that a 55gr full metal jacket bullet will stabilize better in a 1:9" twist barrel, whereas heavier bullets, like a 77gr OTM, prefer the faster 1:7" rate of twist.
So, why is that, and what does it mean?
To understand twist rate, we need to have a better understanding of how modern rifle barrels work.
Gunsmiths and shooters have known for a long time that a projectile which is spinning will travel straighter to its target. Think of how a quarterback spins a football. It's the same concept with a rifle bullet.
The spin helps stabilize a bullet in flight and ,therefore, makes it more accurate. However, sometimes too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Bullets spun too fast can break apart, while bullets that are spun too slow can yaw and tumble into the target (if they get there at all).
What, then, is the perfect spin? The answer is "It depends!"
There are complex calculations and equations to determine the ideal rate of twist for a given bullet weight. That would take A LOT of time to explain. For brevity's sake, simply understand that lighter bullets require less spin, while heavier bullets need more.
Barrel twist rate is written in the format of "1 revolution per x inches of barrel." This means a 1:7" twist barrel will spin a bullet one full revolution per 7" of its length. Because of this, a 1:7" twist barrel would be referred to as "faster" than a 1:9" one.
How Does iIt Compare?
We listed some of the best M193 ammo on the market in 2025. It’s affordable, reliable, accurate, and for the most part, available. But if you’re interested in stockpiling ammo for your AR-15, then you should be aware of even more variants of 5.56 NATO.
You’ve probably come across M855 ammo during your search for M193. You’re probably wondering, “What’s the difference?” There are a few differences, and to clear things up early, no, M855 does not technically qualify as "armor piercing."
M855 is better at covering ranges than M193. Characterized by its green tip, M855 ammo is slightly heavier (62 grain bullet) and has a lower muzzle velocity. It’s more resistant to wind drift than the M193, which makes it more accurate at longer distances, but it also travels through barriers better.
It is crucial to note that the M855 bullet contains a steel tip beneath its jacket – the reason why it's prohibited at ranges which ban "magnetic" ammo.
We named Federal American Eagle one of our honorable mention, but it’s technically "XM193" ammo. XM193 is still very much the same sort of cartridge issued by the U.S. Armed Forces. the "X" prefix merely indicates that it was manufactured for the commerical market instead of Uncle Sam.
What about 5.56x45mm 62gr FMJ SS109 rounds? They’re essentially the exact same thing as M855, but with a different name. "SS109" is simply the NATO designation for what Americans call "M855." (It's called "F1" in Australia.) Take care that SS109 does not have a green-painted tip, and therefore looks identical to conventional M193.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the U.S. Military use M193 Ammo?
Yes. It is issued for target practice and field use.
What is the effective range of the M193?
It depends largely on your rifle and your target, but the M193 is typically accurate within 500 yards. Take care that it loses velocity relatively quickly, and won't undergo terminal fragmentation following low-velocity impact.
Is M193 good for self-defense?
There’s a lot of debate around the answer to this question. Although more effective 5.56 and 223 rounds for self-defense are available, that doesn't change the fact that an M193 can instantly neutralize a threat with proper shot placement.
Can I use the 5.56 NATO M193 instead of a 223 Remington?
You can safely fire 223 Rem ammunition in a rifle chambered for 5.56. The oppposite is not true.
What is the standard grain weight of M193 ammo?
The standard bullet weight of the M193 is 55 grains.
Are all M193 rounds reloadable?
Most ammo with brass cases is reloadable. However, some M193 cartridges aren’t as easy to reload as others. All the ammo we’ve listed comes with Boxer primers. If you come across steel-cased and/or Berdan-primed rounds, treat them as non-reloadable
How many rounds come in the Winchester USA bulk M193 ammo can?
If you’re stockpiling ammo, you can get 1,000-round cases of Winchester USA.
Back to the Best M193 Ammo for Stockpiling
Now you have all the tools and knowledge you need in order to select your next box of M193 ammunition. Click HERE to go back to the best M193 ammo list.
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