Best Cartridge for Elk Hunting: Bringing Down the Big Bulls

Most of us don’t live with big bull elk in our backyards. Unless you're a lucky exception, elk hunting takes tons of planning and a huge investment of money. Elk tags aren't just expensive. You might not even draw one for your favorite area this season. Chasing bull is no easy task, either, which is yet another reason why you just can't trust what might be a once-in-a-lifetime shot to a subpar cartridge.
There are dozens of elk-worthy options on the market. These are my top picks. When I finally do end up with a Boone and Crocket bull in my crosshairs, I want one of these capable cartridges in the chamber of my hunting rifle.
Choosing the Best Cartridge for Elk Hunting
Crowning a single cartridge the "King of All Elk" isn’t possible or practical. While a short-action cartridge in a lightweight, fast-handling rifle might be perfect for jumping bulls in thick woods, it isn’t at all suitable for sniper shots across hundreds of yards of open alpine meadow.
And while big magnum cartridges might be nice for long-range shots, they aren’t particularly fun to haul through the rough Western backcountry. I won’t even mention how brutal they can be on your shoulder.
With that in mind, this list of best elk hunting cartridges features entries that are better for certain terrain, situations, hunting styles, and personal preferences than others.
Quick Note:
Although some shooters use the terms “caliber” and “cartridge” interchangeably, the words refer to different things.
“Caliber” is the diameter of a projectile (or the bore of the barrel the projectile travels through), and is generally measured in fractions of an inch. The word “cartridge” refers to an entire unit of ammunition: bullet, case, powder, and primer.
In this article, we'll be discussing the best cartridge for elk hunting.
6.5 Creedmoor
The 6.5 Creedmoor has been the golden child of target shooters and hunters alike for a relatively short time, as it was only introduced in 2007. In the eyes of its fan base, this cartridge can do no wrong...
...within reason, of course. The 6.5 Creedmoor is often considered a bit of a welterweight when it comes to dropping big bull elk. You’ll definitely want to pick a load with a deep-penetrating, heavy-for-caliber, controlled-expansion bullet (like the Nosler Partition).
You should also place your shots very carefully. Trying to send one of these slender bullets through an elk’s thick shoulder blade could have disastrous consequences for you AND the hapless brute. It just isn’t up to the task. Wait for a good broadside presentation so your bullet can easily plow straight through vitals. The 6.5mm bullet doesn’t leave a whole lot of room for error.
Thankfully, 6.5 Creedmoor’s phenomenal accuracy makes shot placement a breeze. There’s good reason why this cartridge is a preferred option among elite long-range competitors.
The 6.5 Creedmoor definitely has less recoil than any of the other cartridges on our list. That makes it a smart option for youth, women, and inexperienced elk hunters (who also happen to be experienced shooters).
6.5 Precision Rifle Cartridge

The 6.5 PRC (and most of its 6.5mm cousins) has the 6.5 Creedmoor to thank for its popularity. Like the Creedmoor, the PRC was developed with long-range precision rifle shooting in mind.
Both the Creedmoor and the PRC fire the same bullet; the PRC just sends it about 250 fps faster. The high-velocity PRC fires a 143 grain bullet at 2960 fps; the 6.5 Creedmoor, 2700 fps. That speed provides some major advantages to elk hunters.
At 500 yards, the PRC's 143 grain bullet drops 8 inches less than the Creedmoor’s. It also carries 1604 foot-pounds of energy when it gets there. That’s respectably more than the Creedmoor's 1308 foot-pounds that the same distance.
When it comes to harvesting elk, the commonly accepted threshold for striking energy is 1500 foot-pounds. That means the 6.5 PRC still has enough energy to get the job done at 500 yards, whereas the 6.5 Creedmoor hasn't.
The 6.5 PRC shares many of the Creedmoor’s limitations. Neither cartridge has the bullet diameter or weight to handle steep angles or shoddy presentations. Pick a load with a tough, controlled expansion bullet (like Hornady’s ELD-X) and wait for the textbook broadside shot.
.270 Winchester
Along with the .30-06, the .270 Winchester is one of the oldest hunting cartridges on this list. It is also one of the most popular. If you already frequent elk hunting circles, then you probably have at least one buddy who swears by the heavenly two-seventy.
The .270 Win’s longevity and popularity pretty much guarantee that you can find ammo at any small-town sporting goods store (or website). There is also a huge selection of hunting rifles chambered for this mainstay, so you can choose anything from a traditional lever action to a Browning BAR semi-auto.
Top it with the right bullet, and the .270 Winchester is capable of dropping any bull walking around North America. As with the 6.5s, choose a load that features a bullet built for high weight retention and deep penetration.
The .270 pushes 130 to 150 grain bullets at velocities in excess of 3100 fps, with over 2900 foot-pounds of muzzle energy. Although it maintains its momentum fairly well, you’ll still want to keep your shots within 400 yards for best results.
6.8 Western
Introduced in 2021, Browning and Winchester’s 6.8 Western is a relative newcomer to North American elk hunting. While this ultra-modern cartridge hasn’t exactly caught on quickly, that isn’t due to its performance or potential. It was introduced when going outside was still illegal in many places – an especially dark time, partly because it brought about an ammo shortage. That didn't exactly boost the 6.8 Western's popularity.

The 6.8 Western feeds easily and consistently from modern short-action magazines. That means rifles chambered for the cartridge are lighter, more compact, and easier to swing than most of the magnum cartridges that made this list.
If you need to tote an elk rifle over miles of rough Montana terrain, 6.8 Western is a good candidate for the job. However, since most major manufacturers aren’t exactly rolling huge numbers of these things off their assembly lines, you might need to order a custom rifle.
Because the 6.8 Western is still basically a newborn cartridge, there haven’t been a ton of quality hunting loads to reach the market. However, if you’re open to handloading, this cartridge has plenty to offer.
Performance is where the 6.8 Western really shines. It slings a 165 grain bullet at an impressive 2970 fps muzzle velocity with 3226 foot-pounds of energy. Featuring wider, heavier bullets (165 to 175 grains) than the 6.5s, the 6.8 Western has both an aerodynamic and kinetic energy advantage over smaller caliber loads. Those advantages improve its long-distance performance on elk-sized game animals.
7mm Remington Magnum
The first 7mm Rem Mag cartridges hit the shelves in the 1960s. Thanks to its high-velocity performance and flat-shooting ballistics, elk hunters have been in love with the “Seven Mag” right from the start. However, the cartridge earned an early reputation as a “wounder,” mostly because contemporary bullets were poorly suited to the blistering velocities the 7mm Rem Mag produced.
Modern bullet technology has solved the cartridge’s early issues. Today’s 7mm Rem Mag loads feature heavyweight, thick-jacketed bullets that don’t fragment on impact. Instead, they hold onto their weight and deliver deep-driving penetration.
Choose loads with heavy (think 150 grains or higher) controlled expansion bullets engineered for the Rem Mag’s speed. We highly recommend Hornady SST bullets. Stay away from traditional soft points or lightweight bullets designed for whitetail deer.
For a magnum cartridge, the 7mm Rem Mag has tolerable recoil with ballistics that outperform the venerable .30-06 Springfield.
A 162 grain polymer-tipped 7mm Rem Mag projectile clears muzzle at 3030 fps. At 500 yards, the 7mm Rem Mag is still zipping along at 2219 fps and carrying 1772 foot-pounds of kinetic energy.
That’s plenty of elk-dropping power, and it does it all while dropping 8 ½ inches less than comparable .30-06 loads at the same distance.
.30-06 Springfield
Although the topic is hotly debated, .30 cal has long been considered the best caliber for elk hunting. It should come as no surprise that several .30 cal rifle cartridges made our list.
The .30-06 Springfield is probably the most popular .30 cal cartridge for elk hunting (and deer hunting, for that matter), and it has probably been used to fill more elk tags than any other rifle cartridge in history.
It is perfectly possible that the “Aught-Six” has killed more elk than all the other cartridges on this list combined.
One of the reasons the .30-06 has seen so much hunting season success is largely due to its long-lasting popularity.
The .30-06 was originally engineered for military use. Many soldiers returning home from both World Wars owed their lives to the cartridge. It comes as no small surprise that they preferred the round they knew best during hunting season.
The same qualities that made the .30-06 effective on the battlefield also make it an effective big game cartridge. The .30-06 is consistently accurate and delivers deadly terminal performance.
While the Aught-Six doesn’t have the head-turning ballistics of the popular magnum cartridges, it delivers plenty of elk-dropping power out to 300 yards. A competent rifleman could stretch that effective range even further.
Load your elk rifle with heavy 180 grain bullets, and you’ll gain higher sectional density, a higher ballistic coefficient, and improved long-range performance.
Modern ammo advancements have improved terminal performance well beyond what our grandfathers experienced. While soft points were the bullets of choice for generations past, modern bonded projectiles like the Nosler AccuBond or Hornady SST provide better accuracy and deeper penetration with less accompanying meat damage.
.300 Winchester Magnum
If you like the .30-06, you’re going to love the .300 Win Mag. This standard-length cartridge offers a smidge more horsepower than the .30-06. That means you can stretch your shots a little farther without sacrificing accuracy, efficacy, or ethics.
Elk have heavier bodies than whitetails or mule deer, so having a little extra oomph behind that .30 cal bullet is a major plus.
The .300 Win Mag pushes a 180 grain SST to a lightning-fast velocity of 3130 fps. The same bullet leaves the muzzle of a .30-06 at only 2820 fps. That extra cruising speed means the .300 Win Mag bullet drops 10 inches less than the .30-06 at 500 yards.
This flat-shooting cartridge is also available with heavier bullets. That means an even more predictable trajectory, with better wind resistance and downrange energy to boot.
To get the best performance out of your hunting rifle, choose .300 Win Mag loads with 200 grain bullets. If you can get your hands on something heavier, all the better.
The .300 WM's higher-level performance will cost you, however. Rifles chambered in .300 Win Mag are relatively long, heavy, and deliver some hearty recoil. While .300 Win Mag produces a bit heftier recoil than the .30-06, its kick is still within what most serious elk hunters can manage.
.308 Winchester
The .308 Winchester is another popular method for inviting elk home for dinner. Although its design was officially based on the .300 Savage, .308 Win is basically a shortened .30-06 cartridge. It has the same head and body diameters as the .30-06 on a half-inch shorter case, which is why it is sometimes affectionately referred to as the “Thirty Not Six.”
With less case capacity, the .308 moves considerably slower than the .30-06, although elk can rarely tell the difference. With careful shot placement, the .308 still delivers enough energy to drop big bulls out to 400 yards. To preserve as much downrange energy as possible, choose loads that feature high-BC spire point profiles.
Although the .308 lacks the oomph of some other .30 cal cartridges, it does have a few advantages. .308 Winchester rifles are light, compact, low-recoiling, and easy to handle. And because this cartridge is so popular, there are plenty of variety and availability in both ammo and rifle options for elk hunters to choose from.
Be sure to explore our wide selection on the 308 bulk ammo page, where you'll find a diverse range of options tailored for every elk hunter's needs.
Other .30-Caliber Cartridges Worth Mentioning
Which .30 cal cartridge is best for elk? The answer to that question largely depends on which type of rifle you want (or need) to carry.
Some cartridges work best in bolt actions. Others may only be available for traditional lever-action rifles. Some are offered in compact, lightweight short-action rifles that are perfect for toting over demanding mountain terrain. Others are only available in bulky, heavy full magnum rifles that work best for long-range shooting.
A few other competent elk cartridges that throw .30 cal pills are the .300 Ruger Compact Magnum, .300 WSM, .30/308 Norma Mag, .30 Nosler, and .300 Weatherby Magnum.
.338 Winchester Magnum
.338 cal cartridges are certainly on the upper end of the elk-stopping spectrum. These babies will definitely satisfy the “go big or go home” crowd.
Because the .338 Win Mag fits in a standard-length action, it can handle pretty heavy bullets. That means you have access to loads with thick 250 grain bullets that fly with the same flat-shooting ballistics as a 180 grain .300 Win Mag.
That extra weight drives these projectiles deep, too. Not only does it crush through thick shoulder blades and plow through deep-set vitals, but it also has 20 percent more surface area than the .30 cal superstars. The .338 Win Mag bullets carve massive, devastating wound channels.
If you encounter less-than-ideal shot angles or angry grizzlies while you’re elk hunting, the .338 Win Mag will be your new best friend.
Unfortunately, .338 Win Mag produces some brutal recoil. Outstanding ballistics often come at the cost of shoulder abuse. Ask your chiropractor if .338 Win Mag is right for you.
A 230 grain Hornady ELD-X projectile exits the muzzle at 2810 fps. While that’s not exactly head-turning speed, that bullet is still coasting at 2116 fps 500 yards later. And although the .338 WIn Mag might drop about 40 inches at 500 yards, it is still toting 2280 foot-pounds of energy at that distance. If you need to make long-distance shots, this cartridge has everything it takes to get the job done.
Final Thoughts
Elk are big animals, so small caliber cartridges usually won’t cut it. A larger, more powerful cartridge provides slightly more room for error than a smaller, less powerful one. That’s why we are firm believers that the .30 is the best elk caliber around. The .30-06 for elk is especially hard to beat.
However, any bullet that drives through both lungs is guaranteed to kill a bull, no matter how big the bullet or which cartridge it came from. If you can make better shots with a 7mm or one of the 6.5s, then I won’t judge. I’m a firm believer that the best elk cartridge is the one you can shoot confidently and effectively. Ultimately, that’s what is going to drop a bull dead in his tracks.
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