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Top 5 Best 45 ACP Ammo for Target Practice: Obliterate the Bullseye

Top 5 Best 45 ACP Ammo for Target Practice

First Shots: The Best 45 ACP for Target Practice

Congrats on that shiny new 45 ACP pistol you’ve got there! You have obtained what is unquestionably the best handgun on the planet (because it’s yours). Now you need to know which target ammo is best for it.

Although there are MANY different options when it comes to practice rounds, we've found that the best 45 ACP ammo for target practice is Speer Lawman 230 grain TMJ.

If want more ammo options for your beloved 45 ACP pistol, continue scrolling! And if you’re new to the 45 ACP – and aren’t sure what to look for in self-defense vs. target ammo – check out our Buyer’s Guide HERE.

The Top 5 Best 45 ACP Factory Loads for Target Practice

  1. Speer Lawman 230 Grain TMJ
  2. Federal American Eagle 230 Grain FMJ
  3. PMC Bronze 230 Grain FMJ
  4. Winchester USA 230 Grain FMJ
  5. Sellier & Bellot 230 Grain FMJ

Best Overall .45 ACP for Target Practice

Speer Lawman 230 Grain TMJ

Speer Lawman 45 ACP Ammo - 1000 Rounds of 230 Grain TMJ Ammunition


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  • Weight: 230 Grain
  • Casing Type: Brass
  • Bullet Design: Total Metal Jacket (TMJ)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 830 fps
  • Muzzle Energy: 352 ft-lbs


  • Affordable and readily available
  • TMJ bullet is ideal for shooting indoors
  • Accurate


  • Not appropriate for personal defense

Why We Chose It

Speer Lawman is our pick for best ammo for target practice. It’s a cost-effective .45 ACP 230 gr round that’s readily available and extremely accurate in all of the Colt 1911 and Glock 21 handguns we tested it with.

Speer Lawman is also the preferred training ammo of multiple law enforcement agencies across the country (hence the brand name). Many law enforcement agencies favor the total metal jacket (TMJ) bullet for training, as its copper-encapsulated core minimizes lead aerosolization. The TMJ also minimizes lead fouling inside the barrel, which makes post-range cleaning sessions a breeze!

Another huge plus is that this ammo is cost effective when you buy in bulk. You can pick up 1,000 rounds of bulk ammo and not feel like you need to eat Ramen noodles for three months to cover the cost. (This is good, because all Ammo.com customers deserve to be fed on gourmet items exclusively.)

The only downside to target ammo like the Speer Lawman is that it is not appropriate for self-defense. (This is kind of a moot nitpick, seeing as how ALL dedicated target ammo is suboptimal for personal protection.) However, with all the money you’ll save by practicing with Speer, you can easily afford a few extra boxes of JHP ammo to keep for personal protection.

Speer Lawman 230 grain TMJ is the most accurate and cleanest shooting on the market, solidifying it as our top pick for the best 45 ACP target ammo.

Federal American Eagle 230 Grain FMJ

Federal American Eagle 45 ACP Ammo - 1000 Rounds of 230 Grain FMJ Ammunition



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  • Weight: 230 Grain
  • Casing Type: Brass
  • Bullet Design: Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 890 fps
  • Muzzle Energy: 404 ft-lbs


  • Reliable
  • Inexpensive
  • Great for plinking


  • More powder residue than other brands

Why We Chose It

If you aren’t acquainted with ammo from the Federal Premium red and black box – adorned with America’s enduring symbol of freedom, no less – then you should be! Federal American Eagle 230 grain FMJ is a classic target round, and always goes “bang” when you squeeze the trigger.

Accuracy for American Eagle is acceptable – not exactly match grade, but the low price point more than makes up for that fact. Pretty good for American-made ammo!

The only downside we could detect was that our barrels seemed to be a bit dirtier when shooting American Eagle than with other brands. An extra patch or two passed through the bore isn’t really something to make a huge fuss about, though.

Overall, Federal American Eagle 230 grain FMJ ammo gives you everything you could ever want for target practice: reliability, accuracy, and a low cost per round. It’s a great second option if you can’t find Speer (or if your handgun just prefers Federal, which is known to happen).

PMC Bronze 230 Grain FMJ

PMC 45 ACP Ammo - 1000 Rounds of 230 Grain FMJ Ammunition


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  • Weight: 230 Grain
  • Casing Type: Brass
  • Bullet Design: Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 830 fps
  • Muzzle Energy: 352 ft-lbs


  • Easy to buy in bulk
  • Perfect for reloading
  • Extremely reliable


  • You are no longer buying American (but South Korea is a pretty cool place, too)

Why We Chose It

When you’re picking the best 45 ACP ammo for your favorite 1911, Glock 21, or SIG Sauer P220, you want a round that is inexpensive to fire, has low recoil, and goes “bang” every time you pull the trigger. PMC Bronze 230 grain FMJ ammo fits that bill to a T.

One of the best things about PMC ammo is that it is typically sold at a lower cost per round than many of their competitors. This makes for excellent range ammo; you can buy it in bulk and won’t feel bad about blasting through more than one box at a time!

We wouldn't necessarily call it a "downside," but (like Federal Ameircan Eagle) this round is loaded with a traditional full metal jacket (FMJ) instead of a total metal jacket (TMJ). It's still steel-free, though, so you can confidently fire it at ranges which prohibit "magnetic" ammo.

Another positive aspect of PMC is that their brass cases are exceptional for reloading. Although every round on our top 5 list can be reloaded, I’ve personally found that PMC brass seems to last a bit longer than some other brands.

Overall, PMC Bronze 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ is an incredibly high-quality round that is great for target practice and maintaining your marksmanship skills for concealed carry.

Winchester USA 230 Grain FMJ

Winchester USA 45 ACP Ammo - 500 Rounds of 230 Grain FMJ Ammunition


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  • Weight: 230 Grain
  • Casing Type: Brass
  • Bullet Design: Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 835 fps
  • Muzzle Energy: 356 ft-lbs


  • High availability
  • Perfect for buying in bulk
  • Reliable and accurate


  • Not great for self-defense (like all other rounds on this list)

Why We Chose It

Ah, classic Winchester "white box" ammo … I can almost remember the smell of the burnt powder from when I put the first 50 flawless rounds through my new Kimber TLE Custom II 1911 oh so many years ago. Winchester has rebranded their classic range ammo into new packaging, but don’t kid yourself: this is the classic white box ammo many of us grew up shooting.

Over the course of multiple range trips, we found this ammo to be an excellent choice for punching holes in paper targets. It’s inexpensive, accurate, clean-burning, and has low recoil, making it a perfect choice for your next trip to the shooting range.

The full metal jacket (FMJ) bullet is exceptional at exploding cheap 2-liter soda bottles, popping tin cans off fence posts, and clanging steel targets with almost boring regularity. FMJ’s are great for working at the range, but a poor substitute for jacketed hollow points when it comes to self-defense. (Still a whole heckuva lot better than your two dukes during a life-or-death altercation, though.)

When it comes to practicing with your CCW pistol, Winchester Target and Practice 230 grain FMJ ammo cannot be beaten for its accuracy, value, and reliability.

Sellier & Bellot 230 Grain FMJ

Sellier & Bellot 45 ACP Ammo - 1000 Rounds of 230 Grain FMJ Ammunition



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  • Weight: 230 Grain
  • Casing Type: Brass
  • Bullet Design: Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 853 fps
  • Muzzle Energy: 371 ft-lbs


  • Accurate
  • Inexpensive
  • Consistent shot-to-shot velocities


  • Seems to have slightly snappier recoil

Why We Chose It

If you’re looking for an extremely consistent target ammo, Sellier & Bellot (otherwise known as S&B) is an excellent alternative to Federal, Winchester, PMC, and Speer.

In our range testing, we found S&B ammo to be extremely accurate and a great choice for target practice and plinking.

One minor downside to Sellier & Bellot ammo is that it seems to be slightly snappier in our .45 cal handguns compared to other target loads. This is not atypical for European ammo manufacturers, as they will typically load their rounds slightly hotter than their American counterparts.

However, as S&B ammo is less expensive than Winchester, it makes a great alternative target round for boring out the bullseye.

Parting Shots: We’ll See You at the Range

Congratulations! You made it all the way to the end of the article. By now you should be nothing short of an expert in all things 45 ACP ammo and know EXACTLY which target loads you should be loading into the mags of your favorite .45 caliber pistol.

Check out our full 45 ACP ammo page to see *everything* we have in stock, or keep scrolling if you’d like to read our buyer's guide to 45 Auto ammo. Otherwise, we’ll see you out on the range!

Buyer's Guide: What Makes for the Best 45 ACP Target Ammo

As the sidearm cartridge of choice for the U.S. military from WWI through the 1980s, the 45 ACP has a combat pedigree that few other handgun rounds will ever boast. Carried by multiple law enforcement agencies and civilians alike, the 45 ACP is an excellent choice for home defense, concealed carry, and duty use.

In this guide, we are going to take a quick look into which qualities you should look for in the ammo you plan to use for EDC and what’s better suited for target practice. We’ll also touch on the backstory of the 45 ACP, and share some tips on how to save money when you’re buying ammo.

Why Is the .45 ACP Good for Target Shooting?

Ask any 1911 owner why the 45 ACP is good for target practice and you’ll get a monologue about how our Lord and Savior, John Moses Browning, was commissioned by the Almighty himself to create the greatest handgun round the world had ever seen. The 45 ACP was that round, and rumor has it that each box of 45 that leaves a USA-based ammo plant is anointed with holy water before it’s sold.

All joking aside, the 45 ACP is an exceptionally accurate round that offers shooters a wide variety of bullet styles to fit their shooting needs. It’s a relatively low-pressure round for its caliber (I’m looking at you 44 Magnum!) that provides for an enjoyable shooting experience, especially when fired from a 1911 or full-sized handgun like a Springfield XD45 or Glock 21.

Accurized 1911s firing 45 ACP have won countless bullseye, USPSA, IPSC, and Steel Challenge competitions across the globe. Trust me: it’s accurate enough for you.

Plus, there’s something deliciously satisfying about boring out the X-ring of a paper target firing the might 45 ACP. It’s a majestic round that has a rich history, and is relatively inexpensive to shoot. The 45 ACP is an American classic and is still going strong well after a century of faithful service.

Why Do We Carry the .45 ACP?

Because it’s a freaking 45, that’s why! What other reason could you possibly want? OK, fine ... Here’s the non-sarcastic answer.

The 45 ACP has proven itself as an effective personal defense round for well over a century. It fires a wide 0.452” diameter bullet that typically weighs between 185 and 230 grains. Combined with an expanding jacketed hollow point (JHP) bullet, the 45 ACP leaves an absolutely devastating wound column that is extremely effective at neutralizing any would-be attacker(s).

Compared to the three most common self-defense handgun rounds, namely the 9mm Luger, 40 S&W, and 357 Magnum, the 45 ACP fires the heaviest and widest bullets of the bunch. This gives it an incredible amount of stopping power – the reason why it is trusted by law enforcement officers and civilian CCW permit holders to this day.

Although the 45 ACP does fire heavy bullets, it doesn’t have oppressive recoil like the 44 Magnum or 10mm Auto. Many shooters describe the recoil impulse of the 45 ACP as a pushing sensation: strong, but manageable. On the other hand, most magnum rounds are described as having snappy recoil which is a lot harder to control.

45 ACP ammo is readily available. Virtually every firearm manufacturer has multiple handguns chambered for it. The ammo is easy to buy in bulk, meaning you can save on ammo but still get to the range to keep your marksmanship skills high.

FBI ballistic gel testing requirements state that a personal-defense round should penetrate to a minimum of 12 inches, and not penetrate beyond 18 inches. The 45 ACP meets these critera very reliably.

No matter how you slice it, the 45 ACP is about as American as apple pie. It’s a mainstay in the shooting community, beloved by many, and an integral piece of American history. You simply can’t go wrong if you decide to EDC a 45 ACP!

What’s the Difference Between 45 ACP and 45 Auto?

The 45 Auto and 45 ACP are one and the same.

In 1904 the 45 Automatic Colt Pistol (ACP) was released under that name. From that moment handguns were manufactured with "45 ACP" stamped on their barrels.

However, in 1926, everything changed with the founding of the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI). The stated goal of the organization is to standardize the shooting industry. This is a good thing, as it means that ammo by Remington must be manufactured within the same set of parameters as ammo produced by Hornady, Winchester, Federal, and so on.

Although the founding of SAAMI was a very good thing for the firearms industry, one thing that wasn’t so helpful was that they refused to have any type of trademarked name in their database. This was done to avoid any potential legal issues.

As the 45 Automatic Colt Pistol was trademarked, SAAMI refused to certify the cartridge under that name. Therefore, an identical cartridge with the exact same specs as 45 ACP was submitted under the name of “45 Automatic” – "45 Auto" for short. This design was accepted, and is the reason why we have two names for the same cartridge.

If you want to read more about the story of the 45 ACP and 45 Auto, check out this article: 45 ACP vs 45 Auto.

If you are looking at making an ammo purchase for your 45 ACP handgun and all you see is 45 Auto, then you don’t need to worry. They are the exact same thing.

FMJ vs. JHP Ammo: Understanding Everyday Carry (EDC) vs. Target Ammo

As a general rule, full metal jacket (FMJ) ammo is used for target practice, whereas jacketed hollow point (JHP) ammo is used for self-defense. But what is the difference between these two bullet types, and why does it matter?

A full metal jacket (FMJ) is exactly like it sounds. It is a bullet that has a lead core which is encapsulated by a metallic outer coating or “jacket”. Typically, these jackets are made from copper alloy but other materials can be used. (Note that an FMJ's jacket does not shield the base of its lead core; a TMJ's jacket, on the other hand, does.)

FMJ bullets are great because they are simple and inexpensive to manufacture, making them ideal for plinking and general target practice.

The downside to FMJ bullets is that they do not expand when they enter soft tissue, which means they will likely pass through a bad guy in a self-defense situation and instead of transferring most of their kinetic energy to the target. This is where jacketed hollow points come in.

A jacketed hollow point (JHP) bullet is designed for self-defense and to minimize over-penetration. Hollow point bullets have a soft lead core and are surrounded by a metallic jacket (typically copper), similar to FMJ bullets. However, the main difference in a JHP bullet is that there is a nose cavity at the tip. This initiates terminal expansion following impact with soft tissue. The expansion of the hollow point allows more kinetic energy to be transferred to the target and slows the bullet down tremendously.

As the bullet expands, it creates a larger wound channel that increases the odds of the bullet contacting vital organs. This is the main reason that hollow point ammo is considered the best choice for defense ammo, as it will stop a threat with fewer shots and decreases the potential for over-penetration.

Although JHP ammo is great for self-defense, it’s also more expensive as it costs more to manufacture.

If you’re looking for JHP self-defense ammo, then we’d recommend that you consider these factory loads:

What’s the Best Bullet for .45 ACP Target Shooting?

Doesn't matter if you're going plinking, honing your marksmanship skills, or maintaining proficiency with your EDC pistol. You probably want the cheapest .45 ACP available, and you want it in bulk.

Most handgun enthusiasts recommend a good FMJ round for target shooting. They’re less expensive than JHP ammo. The're readily available. And while they may not be ideal for defense, FMJ loads could still be of inestimable value during a prolonged crisis.

Typically, the most common 45 ACP ammo fires a 230 grain FMJ bullets. This was the standard issue load for the U.S. military. Virtually every ammo manufacturer produces it.

However, it’s also important to train with your chosen self-defense ammo to ensure proper function in your handgun. The 1911 can be picky when it comes to reliably feeding hollow point ammo, as it was originally designed to fire the 230 gr FMJ round.

We recommending putting a box of your preferred personal defense ammo through your chosen EDC handgun at least once every other range session. You don’t want to find out that your pistol doesn’t like your JHP ammo when you're shooting for all the marbles.

Although 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ might be the most common ammo for target practice, that doesn’t mean it’s the best. The FMJ's inability to undergo expansion after impact means its terminal ballistics aren't ideal for defense.

What Bullet Weight Does the 45 ACP Shoot?

The 45 ACP typically comes in three different bullet weights: 185, 200, and 230 grains. The 230 grain weight is the most popular by far, with the 185 grain bullet being the second most popular option.

Typically you’ll find target practice 45 ACP ammo loaded with 230 grain FMJ bullets. The 185 and 200 grain bullets are more common in self-defense JHP ammo, although there are still more options available for 230 grain JHP bullets.

Although FMJ and JHP bullets are the most common, the 45 ACP can also be loaded with total metal jacket (TMJ), round nose flat point (RNFP), semi-wadcutter (SWC), and many other types of bullets.

How can you save money buying 45 ACP ammo?

The best way to save money on ammo is by buying bulk 45 ACP ammo.

When you purchase bulk ammo, your upfront costs will be higher than if you had bought less, but your overall cost per round will be lower. You'll pay less each time you squeeze the trigger, leaving you with more money to spend on what matters most in life (ammo).

Buying bulk 45 Auto also means that you’ll always have ammo when you’re ready to hit the range. No longer will you be at the whim of supply chain disruptions or whatever your local shooting range has available. Instead, you’ll have tons of your favorite 45 ACP ammo at the ready whenever you want to practice with your favorite 45 Auto pistols.

Remember to check out our Fiocchi 45 ACP ammo and PMC 45 ACP ammo pages to compare prices or to get other ammo options.

Some popular brands that are available in bulk 45 Auto are CCI 45 ACP Blazer Brass, Magtech, Winchester, PMC, Federal, and Speer.

Make sure to check out our bulk 45 ACP ammo page to see all your bulk purchasing options and ensure that you’ve always got tons of target practice ammo on hand!

A Brief History of the 45 ACP

The 45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) was developed by the renowned American firearms innovator John Moses Browning in 1904, and remains one of the most popular handgun cartridges in North America well over 100 years later.

During the Philippine-American War, the U.S. Cavalry became displeased over the lack of stopping power provided by their .38 Long Colt sidearms. The U.S. military concluded that bigger bullets with more stopping power were required, and that the ideal caliber for this duty was .45 (due in large part to the success of the 45 Long Colt).

Prior to this development, John Moses Browning had been working in tandem with Colt to develop a new .41 caliber for consideration. When the new order came from the U.S. Military, Colt and Browning broadened the caliber to .45.

The new 45 ACP cartridge was initially designed to fire a 200 grain bullet at 900 fps. After some modifications by the Frankford Arsenal, Union Metallic Cartridge, and Winchester, the finalized version was adorned with a 230 grain full metal jacket (FMJ) fired at 850 fps.

The final version of the 45 ACP mimicked the ballistic performance of the 45 Schofield and the 45 Long Colt, but was significantly shorter.

In 1906, Colt (using Browning’s design) and five other firearms manufacturers submitted handguns for consideration. Only Colt and Savage Arms made the final cut in 1910.

The test run by the U.S. military showed the Colt submission experiencing zero failures, while the Savage sidearm had 37 stoppages. The Colt handgun was selected as the Model 1911.

The Colt 1911 and the 45 ACP served in all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces for the next 70+ years as the standard issue sidearm and ammo. The 45 ACP came with us through World War I and II, the Korean War, and Vietnam. It was not until the 1980s that the military decided to update their service pistol and opted to move towards the Beretta M9 and the 9mm Luger cartridge (much to the chagrin of 1911 lovers across the USA).

In general, the 45 ACP is a low-pressure round with SAAMI specs citing a maximum pressure of 21,000 psi (considerably less than the 9mm's 35,000 psi). It is subsonic by design, which makes it ideal for use with a suppressor/silencer.

Your standard, off-the-shelf 230 grain full metal jacket (FMJ) Winchester ammo will have a muzzle velocity of 835 fps and muzzle energy of 356 foot-pounds.

The 45 ACP is truly America’s cartridge, and it has a huge following both in military, law enforcement, and civilian shooting circles across the USA.

Back to the Best 45 ACP Ammo for Target Practice

Now that you have a clearer understanding of what the 45 ACP has to offer, let’s get back to our Top 5 List by clicking HERE!

Cassandra McBride
Written by
Cassandra McBride

Cartridge Recommendations