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Soft Point Boat Tail Ammo: SP-BT Bullets Explained

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Soft Point Boat Tail Ammo The soft point boat tail (SP-BT) is a relatively popular, “no-frills” style bullet primarily used in rifle ammunition for long-range shooting. Many F-Class competitive shooters still use this style of bullet, as it is a proven performer. With the variety of match-grade ammo on the market, there is likely a load that will perform admirably in your rifle.

The soft point of this bullet acts as a hollow point alternative if they are banned where you plan to shoot. It also crushes, deforms and causes a good amount of damage when it strikes a target. Depending on the caliber you choose, the SP-BT can be used for everything from vermin to elk.

Soft Point Boat Tail Features

  • Soft Point: The soft point is obviously one of the top features of this bullet type. These are almost always made of lead and they expand, deform and cause a good amount of damage to soft tissue when impact occurs. This increases the odds of taking down animals immediately. Some soft points with almost no jacketing around the bullet are well known for bouncing off bone, leading to some impressive internal damage.
  • Boat Tail: The boat tail design is preferred by snipers – due to its very good accuracy at long range, thanks to the excellent ballistic coefficient of the round. Trajectories will be flatter and the bullet will be less likely to change course, even slightly. Grouping your shots with a boat tail bullet is easier and gives you a more predictable outcome.
  • Variety: As mentioned above, you can find the SP-BT in a wide variety of calibers. You can also get many different levels of jacketing and metals used, and some mid-tier to high-end brands offer more specialized versions for more specific use. Several ammo manufacturers use this design as a basis for varmiting, target shooting and large-game hunting products. With bullet makers like Sierra and Nosler producing these bullets in virtually every common centerfire caliber, it is hard not to find the bullet that suits your particular need.

Overall, this is a reliable, well known and popular bullet type that many people probably already have in their ammo cache. Reloaders can use them for a variety of special uses, giving them even more versatility compared to some of the newer, more high-tech bullet styles.

Molly Carter
Written by
Molly Carter
